Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Charles Dudley Warner

American Essayist, Editor, Novelist

"Politics make strange bedfellows."

"How many wars have been caused by fits of indigestion, and how many more dynasties have been upset by the love of woman than by the hate of man."

"There is no such thing as absolute value in this world. You can only estimate what a thing is worth to you."

"The boy who expects every morning to open into a new world finds that to-day is like yesterday, but he believes to-morrow will be different."

"We are half ruined by conformity, but we should be wholly ruined without it."

"Public opinion is stronger than the Legislature, and nearly as strong as the Ten Commandments."

"The chief effect of talk on any subject is to strengthen one's own opinions, and, in fact, one never knows exactly what he does believe until he is warmed into conviction by the heat of attack and defence."

"The excellence of a gift lies in its appropriateness rather than in its value."