Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Edward Noyes Westcott

American Banker and Writer

"Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can."

"Get all you can without hurting your soul, your body, or your neighbor. Save all you can, cutting off every needless expense. Give all you can. Be glad to give, and ready to distribute; laying up in store for yourselves a good foundation against the time to come, that you may attain eternal life."

"Most men's hearts is located ruther closter to their britchis pockets than they are to their breast pockets."

"The only man who can change his mind is the man who's got one."

"I've often had to notice that a man'll sometimes do the foolishist thing or the meanest thing in his hull life after he's dead."