Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Madame Deluzy, Luzy Dorothee

French Actress

"Employment and ennui are simply incompatible."

"Heartlessness and fascination, in about equal quantities, constitute the receipt for forming the character of coquette."

"One crime is everything; two nothing."

"Some people regret that they have poor memories. Alas! it is much more difficult to forget."

"The wrinkles of the heart are more indelible than those of the brow."

"There are sins of omission as well as those of commission."

"There is a vein of inconsistency in every woman’s heart, within whose portals love hath entered."

"There is but one book for genius - nature."

"We believe at once in evil; we only believe in good upon reflection. Is not this sad?"

"It is easier to forgive an enemy than a friend."

"If ever I am an instructress, it will be to learn more than to teach."

"A coquette is a woman without any heart, who makes a fool of a man that hasn't got any head."

"Alas, could experience be bought for gold!"

"Amiable people, while they are more liable to imposition in casual contact with the world, yet radiate so much of mental sunshine that they are reflected in all appreciative hearts."

"Audacity as against modesty will win the battle over most men."

"Conceited people are never without a certain degree of harmless satisfaction wherewith to flavor the waters of life."

"Delicacy is the parent of decency."

"Dignity and pride are of too near relationship for intermarriage."

"Discreet women have sometimes neither eyes nor ears."

"Familiarity and satiety are twins."

"Gold does not satisfy love; it must be paid in its own coin."

"Great culture is often betokened by great simplicity."

"Intrigue is a court distemper."

"It is a shrewd device to pretend we have someone unimportant fault,?it overshadows so many serious defects."

"It requires a great deal of poetry to gild the pill of poverty, and then it will pass current only in theory; the reality is a dead failure."

"It requires a great deal of poetry to gild the pill of poverty."

"Joy is a sunbeam between two clouds."

"Nothing so truly becomes feminine beauty as simplicity."

"Perseverance and audacity generally win."

"Sentiment is the ripened fruit of fancy."

"Sentiment is the ripened fruit of fantasy."

"Steel assassinates; the passions kill."

"The anticipation of evil courts evil."

"The hen of our neighbor appears to us a goose, says the Oriental proverb."

"There is but one antidote for coquetry,?true love."

"There is one antidote only for coquetry, and that is true love."

"They teach us to dance; O that they could teach us to blush, did it cost a guinea a glow!"

"Very few men understand the true significance of contentment; women alone illustrate it."

"We are so desirous of vengeance that people often offend us by not giving offence."

"What is a woman?s surest guardian angel? Indifference."

"What is joy? A sunbeam between two clouds."

"Why are we so blind? That which we improve, we have, that which we hoard is not for ourselves."

"Women are far more impulsive than men; this is because they are more influenced by the heart than the head."

"Women do not fancy timid men."