Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Maynard Mayo Metcalf

British Zoologist and Evolutionary Biologist who testified in the Scopes Monkey Trial

"We are in possession of scientific knowledge to directly and fully answer the question: ‘Has evolution occurred?"

"I am absolutely convinced from personal knowledge that any one of these men feel and believe, as a matter of course, that evolution is a fact."

"God's growing revelation of Himself to the human soul cannot be realized without recognition of the evolutionary method he has chosen. Teaching in any field that deals with living things is disgracefully, yes, criminally, inadequate if it omits emphasis upon evolution. An intelligent teacher could omit such emphasis only at the expense of his self-respect and of his moral integrity. Such teaching would be criminal malpractice just as truly as would be a physician's failure to follow established sound methods of treatment because of fear of persecution by ignorant neighbors. For a teacher to fail to bear testimony is as essentially sinful as for a man to fail to stand by his religion. Truth is one, whether scientific truth or religious truth, and it call for the loyalty from every worthy man. "

"There is no conflict, no least degree of conflict, between the Bible and the fact of evolution, but the literalist interpretation of the words of the Bible is not only puerile; it is insulting, both to God and to human intelligence."

"Intelligent teaching of biology or intelligent approach to any biological science is impossible if the established fact of evolution is ommited. Discussion of the methods by which evolution has been brought about is less essential but the fact of evolution must be appreciated and the fact of evolution must be appreciated and the evolutionary point of view must be emphasized for any understanding of the growth of the universe, of the earth of plants or animals."