Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Simeon ben Lakish, or Shimon ben Lakish or Reish Lakish

Syrian-Palestinian Amora, Rabbi of great physical strength

"When two merchants exchange goods, each one surrenders part of his stock; but when two students exchange instruction, each one retains his own learning and acquires also the other's. Is there a bigger bargain than this?"

"He who sins with his eyes is also an adulterer."

"Where ignorance thrives, there can be no liberty, nor can it live very long even when there is enlightenment without the help of virtue."

"Learning must be sought, it will not come of itself."

"Anger deprives a sage of his wisdom, a prophet of his vision."

"Torah, prayer and contemplation of death will help you in your struggle against the Evil inclination."

"The Torah is written with black fire on white fire."

"The Holy One does not punish Israel unless he has prepared the remedy beforehand."

"A person does not commit a sin unless a spirit of temporary insanity has taken hold of him."

"Labor enobles."

"Whoever shows himself merciful in circumstances where he should be pitiless, in the end becomes pitiless when he should be merciful."

"The World exists only by virtue of the breath of little children studying Torah."

"To him who wishes to defile himself, the doors are open; to him who wishes to purify himself, aid will be given."