This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.
Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and pupil are located in the same individual.
Creativity | Individual | Learning | Teacher |
Instead of developing the child’s own faculties of discernment, and teaching it to judge and think for itself, the teacher uses all his energies to stuff its head full of the ready-made thoughts of other people.
Discernment | People | Teacher | Think |
A real teacher can never run dry because he continually learns from each and every experience, not filled with likes and dislikes, bur desire through learning to evolute whatever he touches. A correct teacher of Yoga is not one who discusses it, but who is it.
Desire | Experience | Learning | Teacher |
The teacher must step back and review each day as a student, always feeling that there is more and more to learn, love appreciate. -- Be in this world, but not of it... Everything comes back on the Universal clock of time... everything. Memorize the aphorism that irrelevancy of circumstance is the highest wisdom of life... Your 'balance' is your ammunition; one should not fire it, but rather maintain it.
Aphorism | Balance | Day | Life | Life | Love | Time | Wisdom | World | Circumstance | Teacher |
The teacher is one who makes two ideas grow where only one grew before.
A teacher should, above all things, first induce a desire in the pupil for the acquisition he wishes to impart.
Kaibara Ekken, or Ekiken, also known as Atsunobu NULL
The remembrance of the past is the teacher of the future.
Whoever would be a teacher of men let him begin by teaching himself before teaching others; and let him teach by example before teaching by word. For he who teaches himself and rectifies his own ways is more deserving of respect and reverence than he who would teach others and rectify their ways.
Example | Men | Respect | Reverence | Teach | Respect | Teacher |
The teacher is a sculptor of the intangible future. There is no more dangerous occupation on the planet, for what we conceive as our masterpiece may appear out of time to mock us - a horrible caricature of ourselves... We, too, like the generation before us, are the cracked, the battered, the malformed products of remoter chisels shaping the most obstinate substance in the universe; the substance of man.
Cicero, fully Marcus Tullius Cicero, anglicized as Tully NULL
Fear is not a lasting teacher of duty.
Mortimer J. Adler, fully Mortimer Jerome Adler
The teacher is like the farmer or the physician. The farmer doesn’t produce the grains of the field; he merely helps them grow. The physician does not produce the health of the body; he merely helps the body maintain its health or regain its health. And the teacher does not produce knowledge in the mind; he merely helps the mind discover it for itself.
The best teacher is not necessarily the one who possesses the most knowledge but the one who most effectively enables his students to believe in their ability to learn.
Experience is a good teacher but she runs up big bills.
Experience | Good | Teacher |
Time is the teacher most sublime.