Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

Richard Price

I think the definition of an artist is not necessarily tied into excellence or talent; an artist is somebody who, if you took away their freedom to make art, would lose their mind.

Excellence | Freedom | Excellence | Think |

Richard Dawkins

The definition that I want comes from G. C. Williams. A gene is defined as any portion of chromosomal material that potentially last for enough generations to serve as a unit of natural selection.

Enough |

Richard Feynman, fully Richard Phillips Feynman

If there is something very slightly wrong in our definition of the theories, then the full mathematical rigor may convert these errors into ridiculous conclusions.

Wrong |

Rita Mae Brown

I have changed my definition of tragedy. I now think tragedy is not foul deeds done to a person (usually noble in some manner) but rather that tragedy is irresolvable conflict. Both sides/ideas are right.

Deeds | Tragedy | Deeds | Think |

Ronald A. Heifetz

I suspect that they continued to experience leadership as an activity performed without authority, beyond expectations.

Authority | Power | Will | Leadership |

S. I. Hayakawa, fully Samuel Ichiye Hayakawa

Ever since man began to till the soil and learned not to eat the seed grain but to plant it and wait for the harvest, the postponement of gratification has been the basis of a higher standard of living and civilization.

Science | Time |

Samuel Butler

A drunkard would not give money to sober people. He said they would only eat it, and buy clothes and send their children to school with it.

Samuel Johnson, aka Doctor Johnson

I will be conquered; I will not capitulate.

Labor |

Sidney Madwed

The birthplace of success for each person is in his Inner-Consciousness. The Inner-Consciousness will use whatever it is given. If constructive thoughts are planted positive outcomes will be the result. Plant the seeds of failure and failure will follow. And since the only real freedom a person has is the choice of what thoughts he will feed to his Inner-Consciousness he is totally responsible for the outcomes he gets.

Blame | Circumstances | Consequences | Means | People | Responsibility | Society | Will | Society |

Simone Weil

Truth is sought not because it is truth but because it is good.

Beauty | Study | Beauty |

Stephan Jay Gould

Independent derivation meshed beautifully with the triumph, from the 1930's on, of a strict version of Darwinism based on the near ubiquity of adaptive design built by natural selection... Arthropods and vertebrates do share several features of functional design. But those similarities only reflect the power of natural selection to craft optimal structures independently in a world of limited biomechanical solutions to common functional problems - an evolutionary phenomenon called convergence.

Ability | Intelligence | Invention | Literature | Little | Nature | Receive | Story | World |

Stephen Levine

If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting?

Awareness | Judgment | Mercy | Awareness |

Stephen Hawking

The universe does not behave according to our pre-conceived ideas. It continues to surprise us.

Behavior | Chance | Change | Conduct | Example | Free will | Good | Individual | Nothing | People | Reason | Responsibility | Science | Sense | Society | Will | Work | Society | Govern |

Stephan Jay Gould

We must [it has been argued] go beyond reductionism to a holistic recognition that biology and culture interpenetrate in an inextricable manner.

Irony | Meaning |

Stephen Hawking

If you think it is hard to get humans to follow traffic laws, imagine convincing an asteroid to move along an ellipse.

God | Work | God |

Theodore Dreiser, fully Theodore Herman Albert Dreiser

The mystery of life--its inexplicability, beauty, cruelty, tenderness, folly . . . has occupied the greater part of my waking thoughts; and in reverence or rage or irony, as the moment or situation might dictate, I have pondered and even demanded of cosmic energy to know Why.

World |

Thomas Berry

We might well believe that the law of universal gravitation whereby each physical reality attracts and is attracted to every other physical reality has its correspondence in the hidden or overt attraction of all human beings and all human societies to each other. This attraction takes place within a functional balance of tensions whereby each is sustained in its existence by all the others even as each sustains the others in existence. This seems to be demonstrated in the extensive and continuing efforts of humans to encounter each other and to establish a universal network of communication throughout the human order.

Absurd | Authority | Balance | Better | Children | Desolation | Destiny | Determination | Earth | Education | Future | Giving | Glory | Judgment | Life | Life | Need | Order | Present | Religion | Right | Rights | Sense | Thinking | Will | Work | World |

Thomas Jefferson

The constitution of most of the states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed and that they are entitled to freedom of person, freedom of religion, freedom of property, and freedom of the press.

Will |

Thomas Jefferson

The concentrating [of powers] in the same hands is precisely the definition of despotic government. It will be no alleviation that these powers will be exercised by a plurality of hands, and not by a single one.

Will |

Thomas Mann, fully Paul Thomas Mann

This was love at first sight, love everlasting a feeling unknown, unhoped for, unexpected--in so far as it could be a matter of conscious awareness it took entire possession of him, and he understood, with joyous amazement, that this was for life.

Attention | Day | Energy | Music | Philosophy | Universe |