Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Madonna Kolbenschlag, fully Madonna Claire Kolbenschlag

American Author, Editor and House of Representatives Policy Analyst, Professor of American Studies and Women's Studies at Notre Dame, Catholic Nun

"If in the past Christianity, Judaism, or Islam placed itself at the center of the search for truth and unity, there is now a shift away from this kind of tribal centricty to the notion that it is God who is at the center and all the religious traditions of the world must inevitably intersect at this center. One can no longer speak about one’s faith outside the ambience of the plurality of religious traditions."

"People do not change because of intellectual convictions or ethical inclinations, but rather through transformed imaginations."

"The promise of "beauty"- of being desirable- lulls the young woman [Sleeping Beauty] into an existential limbo where everything is measured by the expectation of one who is to come...The kiss that Sleeping Beauty waits for is not that of any Prince, but the embrace of her own being."

"I think our concept of God is a product of our own dualistic thinking, which is that things are either transcendent and immanent. And I do not believe that anymore. Spirit and matter are not slit in the manner we have stereo-typically thought of it. My experience of God is of being transcendent and immanent all at once... I no longer belive that God is up there, and I do not believe that God is only within me, and I do not believe that God is merely out there in history. I think we are actually in God at all times."