Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Nikita Ivanovich Panin

Russian Statesman and Political Mentor to Catherine the Great

"To be forbearing to all - that is love; to be relentless toward self - that is wisdom; to be content with what one has - that is riches; to be discontented with what one is - that is piety."

"To crave more than you need - that is poverty."

"To seek virtue for the sake of reward is to dig for iron with a spade of gold."

"True progress consists not so much in increasing our needs as in diminishing our wants."

"Two men please God - who serves Him with all his heart because he knows Him; who seeks Him with all his heart because he knows Him not."

"A man should never be assumed foolish till he has proved himself foolish - this we owe him. A man should never be assumed wise till he has proved himself wise - this we owe to ourselves."

"In youth the days are short and the years are long; in old age the years are short and the days long."

"Men have to find truth; not because it is lost, but because they are lost."

"The husband needs to be blind at times; the wife deaf; both need much of the time to be dumb."

"The owl is, therefore, the bird of wisdom because even a fool can see when it is light; it is the wise man who can see when it is dark."

"To be a good child he needs but little man in him; to be a good man he needs much of the child in him."