Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Robert E. Sherwood, fully Robert Emmet Sherwood

American Playwright, Editor and Screenwriter

"The happiest miser on earth is the man who saves up every friend he can make."

"All Hoover had to do in 1928 was to endorse Coolidge. All Roosevelt had to do in 1932 was to point to Hoover."

"He must be independent and brave, and sure of himself and of the importance of his work, because if he isn't he will never survive the scorching blasts of derision that will probably greet his first efforts."

"Nobody expects him to be normal?he's a bishop."

"That's the whole story of my life: frustration. It's a chronic disease, and it's incurable."

"I've never before had to fight an angel, but I suggest you take off your coat and put up your dukes."

"I remember when I was younger, there was a well-known writer who used to dart down the back way whenever saw me coming. I suppose he was in love with me and wasn't quite sure of himself. Well, c'est la vie!"

"The only people who grow old were born old to begin with."

"The main trouble [with this country] is there are too many people who don't know where they're going and they want to get there too fast."

"The trouble with me is, I belong to a vanishing race. I'm one of the intellectuals."

"We all come from our own little planets. That's why we're all different. That's what makes life interesting."

"To be able to write a play a man must be sensitive, imaginative, naive, gullible, passionate; he must be something of an imbecile, something of a poet, something of a liar, something of a damn fool."