Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Richard Brinsley Sheridan

Irish-born English Playwright, Orator, Statesman

"We will not anticipate the past; so mind, young people,?our retrospection will be all to the future."

"Where they do agree on the stage, their unanimity is wonderful."

"While his off-heel, insidiously aside, provokes the caper which he seems to chide."

"Wit loses its point when dipped in malice."

"Wit loses its respect with the good when seen in company with malice; and to smile at the jest which plants a thorn in another's breast is to become a principal in the mischief."

"Women govern us; let us render them perfect: the more they are enlightened, so much the more shall we be. On the cultivation of the mind of women depends the wisdom of men. It is by women that nature writes on the hearts of men."

"Ye prime adepts in scandal's school, who rail by precept and detract by rule!"

"You ?re our enemy; lead the way, and we ?ll precede."

"You are not like Cerberus, three gentlemen at once, are you?"

"You shall see them on a beautiful quarto page, where a neat rivulet of text shall meander through a meadow of margin."

"You write with ease to show your breeding, but easy writing ?s curst hard reading."

"You're our enemy; lead the way, and we 'll precede."