Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Ghanaian Proverbs


"It is a child who has never traveled who says that only his mother prepares tasty meals."

"It is better to be a lion for a day than a sheep all your life."

"It is easy to become a monk in one's old age."

"It is Mr. Old-Man-Monkey who marries Mrs. Old-Woman-Monkey."

"It is no shame at all to work for money."

"It is not everybody who is awake when the rain falls at night."

"It is not wrong to go back for that which you have forgotten."

"It is not only one person who bathes in the witch's water."

"It is only one bad palm tree that spoils the whole lot of palm wine."

"It is the fool whose own tomatoes are sold to him."

"It is the calm and silent water that drowns a man."

"It is the human being that counts. I call gold; it does not answer. I call cloth; it does not answer. It is the human being that counts."

"It's a bad child who does not take advice."

"It is the wife who knows her husband."

"It is the fool’s sheep that break loose twice."

"It is the stranger that gets offered a blind chicken."

"Leopard does not eat leopard."

"Let not what you cannot do tear you from what you can do."

"Knowledge is like a baobab tree; no one can encompass it with their hands."

"It's the fool's sheep that breaks loose twice."

"Look at your hands, when you are eating a monkey’s hand."

"Little palm tree, stop crying, you child is the tall palm tree."

"Look to the past to help us move forward in the future."

"Looking somewhere is better than not to look anywhere at all."

"Loving someone who does not love you is like loving the rain that falls in the forest."

"Marriage is like a ground nut, you must crack it to see what is inside."

"Money is sharper than a sword."

"Monkeys play by sizes."

"Misfortune does not restrict his visits to one day."

"Much roaming about deprived the male rat of its fat."

"No condition is permanent."

"Nature gave us two cheeks instead of one to make it easier to eat hot food."

"No man rules forever on the throne of time."

"No one boasts of what belongs to another."

"No matter how long you stay in the river, you cannot become the crocodile."

"No one completes a journey and then goes back to look for the beginning."

"No one points out God to a child."

"Nobody is shamed twice."

"Nobody can prepare for the harmattan by drinking plenty of water."

"Numbers can achieve anything."

"No one tests the depth of a river with both feet."

"One camel does not make fun of another camel's hump."

"Nobody shows heaven to a child."

"Old habits die hard."

"One falsehood spoils a thousand truths."

"One head does not contain all the wisdom."

"One cannot both feast and become rich."

"One is born, one dies; the land increases."

"One head alone does not go into council."

"One knows even when one neighbor's bread is in the oven."