Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Somali Proverbs


"A man with a sense of humor is never at a loss for words or action."

"A married couple is neither enemies nor friends."

"A men who doesn?t know about war is likely the one who rushes to it."

"A man?s chest cannot hold two (different) things together (i.e. it is impossible to think about two different things at the same time)."

"A old man sees even with his skin (his skin consists of eyes)."

"A mere finger can?t obscure the sun (one cannot hide the truth by deception alone)."

"A patient man will get his share."

"A person stands next to a shade not next to words."

"A millipede will not limp because of one leg."

"A person who doesn?t sweat, does not get his/her fill."

"A prematurely born (camel) can die before one brings a knife (to slaughter it). (Said when the slightest delay can damage a case.)"

"A problem can be seized (only) by its head, one cannot seize it by its tail (ankle)."

"A sheep is slaughtered on the deck on which she herself is standing (i.e. everybody gets according to his deserts)."

"A sinking persons grabs a straw."

"A sick man has a hundred advisers."

"A slip of the tongue does not count (does not enter speech)."

"A shoe is thrown out together with the shit it has trodden on."

"A small path will take you to a big road."

"A Somali is worth more than all the men on earth combined"

"A snake-bite received at the age of six kills you at the age of sixty (i.e. evil lingers a long time)."

"A snake must be killed by a blow to its head (i.e. an enemy must be struck down)."

"A sweet (i.e. generous) hand is better than a sweet (i.e. generous with promises) mouth."

"A swine is cursed only because it is a swine. (Said when somebody is treated with undue contempt.)"

"A thousand assignations, one marriage."

"A stone flies (falls) near, a word (an ear) far off."

"A thief is always under suspicion."

"Above the head there is nothing to stroke. (Meaning, 1) There is limit to everything. 2) Theres is no appeal against the decision of a superior.)"

"Ah, what will he now suckle and with what?"

"A wet man is not afraid of water."

"A word is like sinew. It stretches in every direction."

"A word is yours while it is in your stomach."

"A wicked man is lacking either one eye or one leg (which means he cannot damage the people round him in full measure)."

"A young man of twenty makes mistakes as if he jumps over a log (i.e. as easily)."

"A woman does not think of a man whom she knows well, as a man."

"A wrong (bad) decision is worse than a drought."

"A young moon (a moon which was born three days ago) will take you out of your own house but it will not take you to somebody else?s (because it does not shine long). This means, no good will come of a hasty decisions."

"All the camels were two years old (i.e. once upon a time everybody was young)."

"Allah Himself helps a simple man to find a good place for his camp."

"All that glitters isn?t diamond."

"An offence is forgotten not by the offended but by the offender."

"An escaped lie does not reach the truth."

"An old wound will not go away."

"Allah does not disgrace a brave man."

"An enemy should be treated to fresh milk (i.e. should be treated as a dear guest in order to lessen his vigilance)."

"An elephant does not see the gadfly which is sitting on it but sees the one sitting on another elephant"

"An old man should not disgrace himself (one?s old age should not be seen off with disgrace."

"As a man eats, so does he work."

"An ugly she-ass kicks most angrily (i.e. ugly women are most capricious)."

"An unconsidered (unchewed) decision will make you suffer."

"As the branches of a fence (gate) are piled up, so they should be taken down."