Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Douglas William Jerrold

English Playwright, Editor, Humorist

"There is a sanctity in suffering when meekly born. Our duty, though set about by thorns, may still be made a staff, supporting even while it tortures. Cast it away, and, like the prophet's rod, it changes to a snake."

"To the true teacher, time's hour-glass should still run gold-dust."

"Virtue is a beautiful thing in woman when they don't go about with it like a child with a drum making all sorts of noise with it."

"There is peace more destructive of the manhood of living man than war is destructive of his material body."

"Treason is like diamonds; there is nothing to be made by the small trader."

"We love peace, but not peace at any price. - There is a peace more destructive of the manhood of living man, than war is destructive of his body. - Chains are worse than bayonets."

"Tut! the best thing I know between France and England is the sea."

"We are all slaves to the shining metal."

"What women would do if they could not cry, nobody knows. What poor, defenseless creatures they would be!"

"Wishes, at least, are the easy pleasures of the poor."

"Wedlock's like wine, not properly judged of till the second glass."

"What a fine-looking thing is war!"

"Wit, like money, bears an extra value when rung down immediately it is wanted. Men pay severely who require credit."

"Women, somehow, have the same fear of witty men as of fireworks."

"Wits, like drunken men with swords, are apt to draw their steel upon their best acquaintances."

"Yet, dress it as we may, dress and feather it, daub it with gold, huzza it, and sing swaggering songs about it,--what is it, nine times out of ten, but murder in uniform!"