Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Martyn Lloyd-Jones, fully David Martyn Lloyd Jones

Welsh Theologian, Protestant Minister and Medical Doctor

"This actual question of 'Why does God allow war?' is not considered or raised as such in the Bible at all."

"We should go into His presence as a child goes to his father. We do it with reverence and godly fear, of course, but we should go with a childlike confidence and simplicity."

"We must think of suffering in a new way, we must face everything in a new way. And the way in which we face it all is by reminding ourselves that the Holy Spirit is in us. There is the future, there is the high calling, there is the persecution, there is the opposition, there is the enemy. I see it all. I must admit also that I am weak, that I lack the necessary powers and propensities. But instead of stopping there . . . I say, ?But the Spirit of God is in me. God has given me his Holy Spirit.? . . . What matters . . . is not what is true of us but what is true of Him."

"We accept what Scripture teaches as far as our doctrine is concerned; but when it comes to practice, we very often fail to take the Scriptures as our only guide. ... Dare I give an obvious illustration? The question of women preaching, and being ordained to the full ministry."

"What gives us conviction of sin is not the number of sins we have committed; it is the sight of the holiness of God."

"We tend to have a wrong view of law and to think of it as something that is opposed to grace. But it is not. Law is only opposed to grace in the sense that there was once a covenant of law, and we are now under the covenant of grace."

"What is meant by this term, 'the heart'? According to the general scriptural usage of the term, the heart means the centre of the personality. It does not merely mean the seat of the affections and the emotions."

"When a man truly sees himself, he knows nobody can say anything about him that is too bad."

"Why are there wars in the world? Why is there this constant international tension? What is the matter with the world? Why war and all the unhappiness and turmoil and discord amongst men? According to this Beatitude, there is only one answer to these questions-sin. Nothing else; just sin."

"Why do you read all the details of divorce cases in the newspapers? ... You are enjoying it. You would not dream of doing these things yourself, but you are doing them by proxy."