Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Nigerian Proverbs


"When you cook a guinea fowl, the partridge gets a headache."

"Whichever son is able should bury his father. The first son did not kill him."

"Wherever something stands, another thing stands beside it."

"When you give a ram to the deity, you should let go of the rope."

"Whether it was the tenant who seduced the landlord?s wife, or the landlord who seduced the tenant?s wife, it is the tenant who would leave the house."

"Who says the oasis in the desert is happy because of its hidden spring of water?"

"While the wooden idols are tormenting me, the termites are tormenting them."

"Whoever says ?let?s fight? does not know who will be victorious."

"Without History, No Life."

"Whoever is patient with a cowrie shell will one day have thousands of them."

"Without retaliation, evils would one day become extinct from the world."

"Without knowing a person we must not hate him."

"With a little seed of imagination you can grow a field full of hope"

"Without knowing a way thoroughly at day time, never attempt to pass it at night."

"Words are sweet but they can never replace food."

"You can tell a ripe corn by its look."

"You cannot run with the hare and hunt with the hounds."

"You can?t jump from one tree to another but you can from one man to another."

"You cannot roast corn with two eyes."

"You can?t use your hand to force the sun to set."

"You cannot uproot the tree that has been planted by the gods."

"You can't jump from one tree to another but you can from one man to another."

"You cannot compare the living with the dead."

"You cannot divorce a woman and still be admiring her waistline."

"You can't use your hand to force the sun to set."

"You do not look for a black sheep at night."

"You may be clever but you can never lose your shadow."

"Your own rags are better than another's gown."

"You know who you love, but you can?t know who loves you."

"You do not need a big stick to break a cock's head."