Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Peter Molyneux

British Video Game Designer and Game Programmer

"I want you to experience things like unconditional love ? that's what I'm trying to get to."

"I want you to think of the sword as a conductor's baton. As you're fighting, we'll be introducing different musical elements, the more successful you are. And we'll be upping the tempo of the music, the more abilities that you unlock. So you not only get more of a score, you get a cooler soundtrack."

"Ideology is the opposite of philosophy. Philosophy is the curiosity which guides its inquiry according to universal principles. Ideology is a prior prejudice that seeks out an echo-chamber of reaffirming information."

"If there is no honesty, there is no relationship. The only degree to which there is a relationship is the degree to which you are honest. Expressing your clear desires does not make you a dictator and you telling what you think, feel, and what you want or don?t want, is just called being honest. It doesn't control him at all."

"I wish I had some time machine and could go back two weeks. You live by your mistakes, for sure."

"If you love your dog, we're gonna mess with your mind, man. You're not going to be able to go to bed."

"If you have people who treat you badly in your life, they will be a human shield against people who will treat you well. If that?s not true then we should apply it to marriage and start saying to woman who are being put down or beaten, you gotta stay with him because he needs you and he has been your husband for 20 years for heaven sakes. You just have to work to love him more and so on. This is the advice they gave to woman like 200 fucking years ago and it was abusive advice. I view the parent child relationship (This just not my made up perspective.) it is the least voluntary relationship. At least the woman who got married chose to get married. We don?t choose our parents. The highest standards of behavior are required for parents and no one ells. There is no one ells whose standards of behavior need be higher than parents and so often parents get away with the lowest possible standards of behavior with regards to their children."

"If you go into battle, you could win a ginger-haired person!"

"If there's more that you can do, then do it. If there's not more that you can do, then be content with what you're doing. But if there is despair, the despair can only be that you can do more. Because when you're doing as much as you can do, you will not feel despair. Because despair is the gap between what you could be doing and what you are doing."

"If you could imagine, there was this hill completely full of people, like a forest of people. It was quite scary, actually."

"If you really were free to do anything in the world, I think you'd end up being confused, and that's a very interesting point, a design point, actually."

"If you spend time with crazy and dangerous people, remember ? their personalities are socially transmitted diseases; like water poured into a container, most of us eventually turn into ? or remain ? whoever we surround ourselves with. We can choose our tribe, but we cannot change that our tribe is our destiny.?"

"I'm 52 years old. I have a strange attitude to life. I consider it a marathon that you've got to keep pushing yourself through. I just hope I'm coming near the end of it."

"If you want kids, choose your girlfriend like your future child has the deciding vote."

"I'm not punishing you for button mashing; I'm rewarding you for not button mashing, and that is a really big distinction."

"I'm angry. I'm super angry. My wife is barely talking to me now, because she lost a million gold coins."

"I'm only going to make one more game, I think. And that thought ? the thought of every ounce of my energy, every ounce of my experience, every mistake that I've made in every single game ? if I can learn from that, and use that energy to make one game? that's what I'm trying to do."

"It becomes so profitable to sell drugs to addicts that the drug dealers have every incentive to get people addicted by offering free samples and to concentrate their drug to the highest possible dose to provoke the greatest amount of addiction as possible."

"Imagining that you are deep and complex, but others are simple, is one of the primary signs of malignant selfishness."

"It can be accepted or rejected but it can't fundamentally be altered."

"In the same way Marxism robs workers of ambition, Feminism robs men and women of love."

"It is enormously contentious for us to do a game, a story, an experience, about a boy. You are immediately appealing to all the dark thoughts of humanity."

"It is really exhausting to live in a dictatorship of 'Me', which is basically a tyranny of others."

"It is impossible to maintain fantasy in the face of true emotional intimacy. Fantasy alienates, disconnects, and isolates people. Fantasy and cults isolate people. Fantasy is a cult. Whether that fantasy is nationalism, racism, or religiosity. It isolates people because there is so much you can't talk about. Once you make an ideal, the possible intimacy becomes impossible. The whole world recoils from depth because in depth is common humanity. In depth we are all one. We all shit, fart, fuck, die, think fear, love, and hate. All hierarchy must alienate people from connecting with each other from speaking openly and honestly about thoughts and feelings. To connect is to dislodge the imaginary pyramids of artificial privilege."

"It is so irresponsible for people in the ?I want to change the course of my society? community to not do the damn research into figuring out the latest science of how people change their minds, and under what conditions people change their minds, and what exactly in their minds is being changed."

"It?s not the drug that causes the junkie it?s the laws that causes the junkie because of course the drug laws means that he can?t go and get help because he is afraid of being arrested. He also can?t have a normal life because the war on drugs has made drugs so expensive and has made drug contracts unenforceable which means they can only be enforced through criminal violence."

"It takes a huge amount of culture to normalize crazy, and of course that's its main focus."

"It's easy for me to guess that people like relaxation, but was there a way I could measure it?"

"Just press the blue bloody button and get on with it!"

"It's you Americans. There's something about nipples you hate. If this were Germany, we'd be romping around naked on the stage here."

"It's incomprehensible for us to think of what the mindset was 100 or 200 years ago. I hope to make the present as incomprehensible to the future as the past is to us."

"Mental anguish always results from the avoidance of legitimate suffering."

"Knowledge is responsibility, which is why people resist knowledge."

"Mini-maps are shit. They're shit because you make these multimillion-dollar games, and people play them staring at these little dots."

"One of the best ways of repressing emotions is artificial certainty."

"Overall it is a completely staggering and completely satanic human calamity. It is the new gulag and in some ways much more brutal than the soviet gulag. In the soviet gulags there was not a huge prison rape problem and in this situation your life could be destroyed through no fault of your own through sometimes, no involvement of your own and the people who end up in the drug culture are walled off and separated as a whole and thrown into this demonic, incredibly dangerous, underworld were the quality of the drugs can?t be verified. Were contracts can?t be enforced except through breaking peoples kneecaps and the price of drugs would often led them to a life of crime."

"Part of the fun of dogs is they misbehave and can be enormously embarrassing to the owner."

"People have this belief that what we believe is the effect of the facts that we?re exposed to, and therefore, if we expose people to different and newer facts, they will change their beliefs. This is not true."

"People say well, I became a drug addict and I lost my house, family, and my job and all that. It?s not because you became a drug addict but, because there is a war on drugs which meant that you had to pay so much for the drugs that you lost your house because you couldn't go and find help or substitutes and ended up losing your job. It?s all nonsense. The government can?t keep drugs out of prisons for heaven?s sakes. The war on drugs is not designed to be won. Its designed to continue so that the government can get the profits of drug running both directly through the CIA and other drug runners that are affiliated or through bribes and having the power of terrorizing the population."

"Politicians are propaganda, the people with guns are the enforcers and the media is the enthusiastic lapdog who enables the entire behavior and acts as the verbal abuser against those who deviate from nodding their heads at the vast statues of evil that we inherited."

"People's expectations of us are almost always who we become."

"Pull the right trigger to see The Most Interesting Thing in the World."

"Political correctness is anti-empathetic because it has correctness in it. We all have biases, we all have prejudices and if we can?t talk about them openly - if we get attacked for it then this is an anti-empathetic movement and therefore it cannot complain about a lack of empathy."

"Rights are something made up by governments to make you feel like you're buying something with your taxes."

"Remember, this is a role playing game; all the different weapons have different music sounds and give a very individual feel to the combat."

"Promote the voluntary family; voluntarism is the only known cure for abuses of power - in politics, the economy or the family."

"Simon and Dene, I worry about them. I lose sleep thinking, are they all right?"

"SCREW CHILDREN! That's the mantra of the world. Instead of burying them with a national debt, shoving them in shitty schools, drugging them if they don't comply, hitting them, yelling at them, indoctrinating them with religion and statism and patriotism and military worship, what if we just did what was right for them? The whole world is built on screw children, and if we changed that, this would be an alien planet to us."

"So I'm explaining intrinsic value to my 4 year old daughter - who loves toy cats - and ask her, if she was really thirsty in the desert, whether she would like a bottle of water, or a toy cat, and she tells me that she would like a bottle of water in the shape of a toy cat."

"Social anxiety results from being around people who are resolutely opposed to who you are."