Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Glenn Beck, fully Glenn Lee Beck

American Television and Radio Host, Conservative Political Commentator, Author, Television Network Producer, Filmmaker and Entrepreneur

"God thank you for everything you've given us. For the time we have together. And for the miracle of Christmas. Thank you for the Atonement, the chance to start all over again. Help us to always remember who we are and to trust that we are worthy to make it through our storms. Amen>"

"Gun-free zones don't deter criminals-they help them by providing a guarantee that they will not face any armed resistance. But they do deter the law-abiding. A faculty member with a concealed-handgun permit who breaks the campus gun ban would be fired and likely find it impossible to get admitted to another school. Bringing a firearm into a gun-free zone can have serious adverse consequences for law-abiding people. But for someone like the Virginia Tech killer, the threat of expulsion is no deterrent at all."

"Has the luxury of not doing the political stuff, which is really where I want to be as a company."

"Good for you, you have a heart, you can be a liberal. Now, couple your heart with your brain, and you can be a conservative."

"He also helped start the Tides Foundation, which among its many super, super classics are the anti-capitalist Story of Stuff, indoctrination video. Yes, George Soros money. Isn't that great? Shown in schools all across America to warp your children's brains and make sure they know how evil capitalism is."

"Health care, yesterday was one of the more incredible things I have ever seen, this health care speech with the doctors behind him. I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like it. I don't understand how the rest of the nation doesn't see this. Or how they don't understand our nation, as we know it, is in peril. Today is the first day that I actually feel like Paul Revere. The British are coming. The British are coming."

"'Hello my name is the Republican Party and I got a problem. I'm addicted to spending and big government.' I'd like one of them just to stand up and say that."

"Hate is on a scale, and is growing on a planetary scale of unprecedented size. The violent left is coming to our streets, all of our streets, to smash, to tear down, to kill, to bankrupt, to destroy. It is will be global in its nature and global in its scope."

"He chose to use his name, Barack, for a reason. To identify, not with America ? you don't take the name Barack to identify with America. You take the name Barack to identify with what? Your heritage? The heritage, maybe, of your father in Kenya, who is a radical?"

"How blind to believe the civil rights movement ever ended. The civil rights movement never ends, and it never will. It has been marching since the beginning of time. Where Martin Luther King started is where Gandhi left off, and where he started, Abe Lincoln left off, and before that Whitfield all the way back to Moses. God has not moved. We have. But it is never too late. We are not at the mercy of these events. We can alter the course of history. We can stand against the dangerous arc of this story. But we need people who are willing to speak truth."

"Hey, does anybody notice this crazy thing that we're on the road to socialism? I'm just saying. Wow. We got ? we got the SCHIPs thing going for us. That's great. There is the change that we were all hoping for, really, seriously. Hey, I got an idea. If we're going down the road to socialism, I mean, why not really go for it, huh? Comrades, good news from the western front, our glorious revolution is starting to take hold. Oh, the revolution of change. Our fearless leader has just signed in SCHIPs, and earlier today, he spoke out against capitalism. Listen up."

"I am a conservative, but I am not a zombie."

"Hello, you sick twisted freak."

"Here is my advice when you're dealing with people who believe in something that strongly ? you take them seriously. You listen to their words and you believe that they will follow up with what they say."

"I am going to take something I learned over in Israel. Their Independence Day is preceded the 24 hours before with Memorial Day, so it gives them a chance to serve and reflect and then celebrate. I am going to try to start that tradition here in America."

"I am not a journalist. I'm just a guy who cares. I'm sorry. I'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about my country."

"I am like Howard Beale. When he came out of the rain and he was like, none of this makes any sense. I am that guy."

"I am not saying Barack Obama is a fascist. I am not saying the Democrats are a fascist. I am saying the government, under Bush and under Obama and under all of the presidents we've seen, or at least most of the presidents that we've seen for quite some time, are slowly but surely moving us away from our republic and into a system of fascism."

"I beg you, look for the words 'social justice' or 'economic justice' on your church Web site. If you find it, run as fast as you can. Social justice and economic justice, they are code words."

"I beg you not to listen to the experts in this country anymore. The fools disguised in tweed jackets or ascots of the Ivy League campuses. The scholars and the experts and those who have been around in the State Department forever, blahdy blahdy blahdy. They couldn't find their way through an unlocked door at a locksmith shop. They come on TV and they lecture you about how everything is fine and everything is in a box. I have news for you: I believe it was the great philosopher Depeche Mode that said "nothing is impossible." Life is outside of the box now and if you're inside of the box, you'll suffocate."

"I can't control my own income, I can't control my own destiny, I can't even control my own farm if I'm a farmer. This is not going to last."

"I contend that the reason why America is not as happy as it was in 1950 or 1920 or whenever, 100 years ago, is because our priorities are wrong, but it has nothing to do with exploiting the planet and has everything to do with losing faith in God."

"I come to the table from a conservative or libertarian point of view, and I admit that. I'm a commentator. I'm not a journalist or anything else."

"I believe that Thomas Jefferson said: 'If it neither breaks my leg nor picks my pocket, what difference is it to me?'"

"I could give a flying crap about the political process We're an entertainment company."

"I collapsed to my knees and looked up at the predawn sky. "I hate you," I said softly."I love you," the voice whispered back."

"I don't belong to anything anymore and I want to feel like I belong to something."

"I don't agree with the Black Lives Matter organizers. They are stated as anti-capitalists. And it's much more than just the police to them. It's about changing society entirely."

"I don't belong to anything, nobody's listening to me and I don't have any levers that control my own life."

"I don't know where [Obama is from] I don't think he's from where they issue birth certificates ? I think he's from Hell."

"I feel like the world of Blade Runner makes more sense than this one."

"I don't fancy myself a political commentator. I hate politics. I hate it."

"I don't think we came from monkeys. I think that's ridiculous. I haven't seen a half-monkey/half-person yet."

"I find this guy [Michael Berg] despicable. Everything in me says that. The want to be a better person today than I was yesterday says he's a dad, he's grieving, but I don't buy that. I'm sorry, I don't buy it. I think he is grieving, but I think he's a scumbag as well. I don't like this guy at all."

"I have no desire to be president of the United States. Zero desire. I don't think that I would be electable. And there are far too many people that are far smarter than me to be president. I'd like to find one with some honor and integrity. I haven't seen them yet, but they'll show up."

"I have not heard people in the Republican Party yet admit that they have a problem. And when they do say that they have a problem I don't know that I believe 'em."

"I have no problem if you want to be a socialist. But for those people who are in the middle, you know, I don't know if you're really welcome in the Democratic Party, and I don't even know who the Republican Party is anymore. I have absolutely no idea."

"I haven't seen a half-monkey, half person yet."

"I know the struggles that are ahead in my life and I know the struggles that are ahead in your life. It's not going to be pretty."

"I know, I know, I'm going to be called a hatemonger for this, you know, conversation that we have, whatever, that's fine. They also called people like Benjamin Franklin a hatemonger. They said that he was crazy. I wonder if they've said that about me yet. Yeah, Benjamin Franklin was crazy, he was the first real abolitionist. Boy that man stood up every single time. And in our modern-day slavery, I will be happy to be called crazy right along with Benjamin Franklin."

"I know the progressives are using progressive tactics. They're not using Nazi tactics. They're? they're? they're? The real answer is the Nazis were using early American progressive tactics. And that's not my opinion, that's historic fact."

"I remember feeling, ?If you do not leave now, you won?t leave with your soul intact.?"

"I say on the air all time, "if you take what I say as gospel, you're an idiot.""

"I think every American has a role in saving this country. Whether you're Democrat, Republican, independent, it doesn't matter. We all know the country's in trouble. We may disagree on how to solve it, but we all know the country's in trouble."

"I said about Van Jones . Be careful. This guy is extraordinarily dangerous and he is smart."

"I mean a racist, hate-filled host who is openly trying to get people to be violent would have zero viewers in the America I know and love."

"I mean, I'm not a, you know, a fraidy cat. I mean, I am truly concerned in this country that we are moving towards fascism."

"I think it's about time we legalize marijuana... We either put people who are smoking marijuana behind bars or we legalize it, but this little game we are playing in the middle is not helping us, it is not helping Mexico and it is causing massive violence on our southern border... Fifty percent of the money going to these cartels is coming just from marijuana coming across our border."

"I think it's been time for a new party. I think it's time for two new parties. If you watch the Democratic convention, that has become a socialist party now."

"I think the president is a racist, I think he has race issues. Don't know if he hates white people, but there's something going on with the president. Well, I stand by that. And I deem him a racist based on really his own standard of racism, the standard of the left."