Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

William Benton Clulow

A thorough miser must possess considerable strength of character to bear the self-denial imposed by his penuriousness. Equal sacrifices, endured voluntarily, in a better cause, would make a saint or a martyr.

Better | Cause | Character | Self | Self-denial | Strength |

B. C. Kher

Both the saint and the scientist must possess the same qualities in order to attain their ideals. But these qualities are selfless devotion, a meticulous love of truth, infinite patience, thoroughness, and a depth of mind which does not resent criticism. Without these qualities neither of the two can reach his goal. It is my firm belief that the goal which both science and religion reach by different routes is one and the same.

Belief | Character | Criticism | Devotion | Ideals | Love | Mind | Order | Patience | Qualities | Religion | Science | Truth |

Edwin Hubbell Chapin

The creed of the true saint is to make the best of life, and make the most of it.

Creed | Life | Life | Wisdom |

Helen Gahagan Douglas

It is not easy to be free men, for to be free you must afford freedom to your neighbor, regardless of race, color, creed or national origin, and that sometimes, for some, is very difficult.

Creed | Freedom | Men | Race | Wisdom |

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

As soon as any one belongs to a narrow creed in science, every unprejudiced and true perception is gone.

Creed | Perception | Science | Wisdom |

Alfred M. Lilienthal

Here are taught three doctrines which shall be taught here as the essence of Judaism: First, there is a God, one, indivisible, eternal, spiritual, most holy and most perfect. Second, there is an immortal life and man is a son of eternity. Thirdly, love thy fellow men without distinction of creed or race as thyself.

Creed | Distinction | Eternal | Eternity | God | Life | Life | Love | Man | Men | Race | Wisdom |

James Russell Lowell

Have you ever rightly considered what the mere ability to read means? That it is the key which admits us to the whole world of thought and fancy and imagination? to the company of the saint and sage, of the wisest and the wittiest at their wisest and wittiest moment? That it enables us to see with the keenest eyes, hear with the finest ears, and listen to the sweetest voices of all time? More than that, it annihilates time and space for us.

Ability | Imagination | Means | Space | Thought | Time | Wisdom | World | Thought |

John F. Wright

True religion is the life we live, not the creed we profess, and some day will be recognized by quality and quantity, and not by brand.

Creed | Day | Life | Life | Religion | Will | Wisdom |

William James

It is only in the lonely emergencies of life that our creed is tested: then routine maxims fail, and we fall back on our gods.

Creed | Life | Life | Maxims |

William James

If things are ever to move upward, someone must be ready to take the first step, and assume the risk of it. No one who is not willing to try charity, to try nonresistance as the saint is always willing, can tell whether these methods will or will not succeed. When they do succeed, they are far more powerfully successful than force or worldly prudence. Force destroys enemies; and the best that can be said of prudence is that it keeps what we already have in safety. But nonresistance, when successful, turns enemies into friends; and charity regenerates its objects.

Charity | Force | Prudence | Prudence | Risk | Will |

Anandamayi Ma, fully Sri Anandamayi Ma, also Anandamayee Ma or Anandamoyi Ma

A saint is like a tree. He does not call anyone, neither does he send anyone away. He gives shelter to whoever cares to come, be it a man, woman, child or an animal. If you sit under a tree it will protect you from the weather, from the scorching sun as well as from the pouring rain, and it will give you flowers and fruit. Whether a human being enjoys them or a bird tastes of them matters little to the tree; its produce is there for anyone who comes and takes it.

Little | Man | Will | Woman | Child |