Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

André Malraux

French Novelist, Critic, Adventurer, Award-winning Author, and Statesman

"Man knows the world is not made on the human scale – and he wishes it were."

"Our civilization… is not devaluing its awareness of the unknowable; nor is it deifying it. It is the first civilization that has severed it from religion and superstition in order to question it."

"Freedom is much more than a right; it is a duty."

"All art is a revolt against man's fate. "

"The one important thing in life is to see to it that you are never beaten."

"Often we allow ourselves to be upset by small things we should despise and forget. We lose many irreplaceable hours brooding over grievances that, in a year's time, will be forgotten by us and by everybody. No, let us devote our life to worthwhile actions and feelings, to great thoughts, real affections and enduring undertakings."

"Culture is the sum of all the forms of art, of love and of thought, which, in the course of the centuries, have enabled man to be less enslaved."

"The truth of a man is first and foremost is what he hides."

"Man can never plumb the depths of his own being; his image is not to be discovered in the extent of the knowledge he acquires but in the questions he asks."