This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.
Russian Short-Story Writer, Playwright and Physician
"The more refined one is, the more unhappy."
"An idiot can face a crisis - it's this day to day living that wears you out."
"Love, friendship, respect, do not unite people as much as a common hatred of something... Man is what he believes."
"Life does not agree with philosophy: there is no happiness that is not idleness, and only what is useless is pleasurable."
"If you are afraid of loneliness, don't marry."
"Love, friendship, respect, do not unite people as much as a common hatred of something."
"Man is what he believes."
"Man has been endowed with reason and creative powers to increase what has been given him, but so far he has not created but destroyed. There are fewer and fewer forests, the rivers are drying up, the game birds are becoming extinct, the climate is ruined, and every day the earth is becoming poorer and more hideous."
"Everything on earth [is] beautiful, everything, except what we ourselves think and do when we forget the higher purposes of life and our own human dignity."
"If you cry "Forward!" you must without fail make plain in what direction to go. Don't you see that if, without doing so, you call out the word to both a mound and revolutionary, they will go in directions precisely opposite?"
"Man has been endowed with reason, with the power to create, so that he can add to what he's been given."