This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.
German-born American Electrical Engineer, Socialist and Mathematician who fostered the development of alternating current
"No man really becomes a fool until he stops asking questions."
"The man who is hard to satisfy moves forward. The man who sits back comfortably and is satisfied with what he has accomplished moves backward. If I were to bequeath to every young man one virtue, I would give him the spirit of divine dissatisfaction, for without it, the world would stand still."
"Spiritual power is a force which history clearly teaches has been the greatest force in the development of men... Some day people will learn that material things do not bring happiness, and are of little use in making people creative and powerful. Then the scientists of the world will turn their laboratories over to the study of spiritual forces which have hardly been scratched."