This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.
Author, Psychologist and Science Journalist specializing in psychology and brain sciences. Coined phrase "Emotional Intelligence."
"Even though a high IQ is no guarantee of prosperity, prestige, or happiness in life, our schools and our culture fixate on academic abilities, ignoring the emotional intelligence that also matters immensely for our personal destiny."
"The bedrock of character is self-discipline; the virtuous life, as philosophers since Aristotle have observed, is based on self-control."
"I can foresee a day when education will routinely include inculcating essential human competencies such as self-awareness, self-control, and empathy, and the arts of listening, resolving conflicts, and cooperation."
"If there are two moral stances that our times call for, they are precisely these, self-restraint and compassion."