Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Eleazar ha-Kappar, alternate spelling Eliezer ha-Kappar

Jewish Tanna Sage of the fifth and last generation of the Tannaim era

"Envy, appetite and ambition lead to ruin."

"A person who deprives himself of health by injuring himself is considered a sinner."

"Great is peace, for all blessings conclude with peace."

"Jealousy, lust, and honor remove a man from the world."

"The born are destined to die, the dead to be brought to life, and the living to be judged; It is, therefore, for them to know and to make known, so that it becomes known, that He is God, He the fashioner, He the creator, He the discerner, He the judge, He the witness, He the complainant. And that He is of a certainty to judge, blessed be He, before whom there is no unrighteousness, nor forgetting, nor disrespect of persons, nor taking of bribes, for all is His. Know that all is according to the reckoning and let not your [evil] inclination (yetzer ha-rah) assure you that the grave is a place of refuge for you; for without your will were you fashioned, without your will were you born, without your will do you live, without your will you will die, and without your will are you, of a certainty, to give an account and reckoning before the King of the kings of kings, blessed be He."

"The synagogues and Beth midrashs in Babylonia will in the time to come be planted in Eretz Israel."

"There is no Torah like the Torah of Eretz Israel, and no wisdom like the wisdom of Eretz Israel."