Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Emily Levine

American Humorist, Writer and Public Speaker

"My grandmother always acted in other people's interests, whether they wanted her to or not. If they'd had an Olympics in martyrdom my grandmother would have lost on purpose."

"Believing is something you do with your heart."

"BIG IDEA: Just because something corresponds to reality, doesn’t mean it is reality."

"What’s the difference between:1) thinking something is true; 2) believing something is true and 3) knowing something is true?"

"Knowing is when your mind and your heart are in complete correspondence. That’s when things get dangerous."

"Witness the lion tamer I read about in the National Enquirer who was mauled by his lion. It turns out he’d learned lion-taming through a correspondence course."

"Thinking is something you do with your intellect."

"Witness the preacher who lost 35 relatives in Jonestown and told me: “You can believe 100 percent with your heart but not with your head.”"