This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.
Tibetan Buddhist Teacher, names translate to "the Physician from Dagpo" and "Incomparable Precious One from Dagpo", established the Kagyu school, one of the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism
"In general, whatever experience you have, whether dreams or real, if you cling to them as real, they will become an obstacle. If you know them as illusion, they become the path."
"Unless the mind be trained to selflessness and infinite compassion, one is apt to fall into the error of seeking liberation for self alone."
"It is useless to act in discord with the teachings since such "spiritual practice" will cause a rebirth in the lower realms - even if you have entered the gateway to the Dharma."
"Grant your blessing so that my mind may become one with the Dharma. Grant your blessing so that the Dharma may go along the path. Grant your blessing so that the Dharma may clarify confusion. Grant your blessing so that confusion may dawn as wisdom."
"A spiritual practitioner is in error when he has received abundant oral instructions and his mind still remains that of an ordinary person."
"Fourteen Meaningless Things: Like returning empty-handed from an island of precious gems, it is meaningless to ignore the sacred Dharma after having obtained a human body. Like a moth diving into a flame, it is meaningless to return to family life after having entered the gateway to the Dharma. Like dying of thirst at the shore of the ocean, it is meaningless to live near a noble Dharma master while having no trust. Like leaning an axe against a tree trunk, it is meaningless to have a spiritual practice that is not used to remedy the four roots and ego-clinging. Like a sick person holding a bag of medicines, it is meaningless to have heard oral instructions that don't remedy disturbing emotions. Like a parrot reciting verses, it is meaningless to have a tongue that expertly recites Dharma words that are not taken to heart. Like trying to wash a sheepskin coat in plain water, it is meaningless to be generous with wealth that is acquired through thievery, robbery, or deception. Like handing a mother her child's flesh, it is meaningless to make offerings to the three jewels by hurting other sentient beings. Like a cat lying in wait for a mouse, it is meaningless to be stubbornly involved in selfish aims for this life. Like trading a wish-fulfilling jewel for ordinary gems, a heap of leftovers, or a single bag of flour, it is meaningless to perforn virtuous actions out of a desire for praise and fame, honor and gain. Like a doctor striken by an incurable disease, it is meaningless to have studied a lot and yet remain shallow. Like a rich man without the key to his safe, it is meaningless to be learned in the oral instructions and not apply them in practice. Like the blind leading the blind, it is meaningless to teach others a spiritual practice that you have not realized yourself. Like believing brass to be gold, it is meaningless to think an experience that is produced through a technique is supreme, while neglecting the natural state."