Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Maracus Minucius Felix

Possibly African-born Latin Apologist for Christianity, known for writing Octavius

"But perhaps you are deceived by the fact that many who know not God possess wealth in abundance, are full of honors, and enjoy great authority. These unhappy men are uplifted the higher, that their fall may be greater."

"The poor man is he who, having much, craves for more."

"As on the highroad he who walks lightest walks with most ease, so on the journey of life more happiness comes from lightening the needs by poverty than from panting under a burden of wealth."

"There is no call for indignation or resentment at anyone whatsoever inquiring, holding, or propounding views concerning the divine, for it is not the authority of the disputant, but the truth of the disputation that is in the request."