This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.
Indian Hindu Guru, Founder of Siddha Yoga, Disciple of Bhagavan Nityananda
"The biggest error we can make is not to love our Self."
"My dearest ones! Do not give up your worldly life, your near and dear ones. Do not waste yourselves away, rushing around in search of God in the four directions, nor lose your own souls while seeking inner peace and comfort. Live in your own homes with your spouses and children, making full use of your artistic talents, or running your businesses or factories. In whatever position your destiny has placed you, whether you are millionaires or laborers, kings or beggars, God belongs to you all. If you call Him with love, thinking about Him with devotion, He will reveal Himself to you. He will grant a vision of the divine light of His love. Then you will know that you are an embodiment of bliss. You will realize, I am Shiva! Yes I am! Yes I am!"
"I don't have sex for the same reason you do: because it feels so good.""
"You can't stop the waves but you can learn how to surf."
"See God in each other."
"This world is nothing but a school of love; our relationships with our husband or wife, with our children and parents, with our friends and relatives are the university in which we are meant to learn what love and devotion truly are. "
"Honor your Self, Worship your Self, Meditate on your Self, God dwells within you as you."
"Meditation is not some strange technique that we have to learn with great effort and difficulty... Whatever we accomplish in this world we accomplish through the power of concentration, which is nothing but meditation...Above all, meditation stills the wandering mind and establishes us forever in a state of peace."
"You may think that only you are a prisoner, but other people are also prisoners. You are in a small prison, but others are in the big prison outside. When will they be released? Think that you are a yogi and that you are pursuing your sadhana in this particular place and at this particular moment. Immediately you will experience great joy. If you change your understanding, you will be free in a minute."
"Nothing that you do on your spiritual path ever goes to waste."
"Happiness is within us, and it is ours, but we are always superimposing our own inner joy onto something outside and thinking it comes from there."