Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Paul E. Scherer, fully Paul Ehrman Scherer

American Lutheran Minister, Chairman and Brown Professor of Homiletics at Union Theological Seminary and later at Princeton Seminary, Author

"It has always seemed to me a sad incongruity the way we represent the figure of Justice... Neither the love nor the justice of God is blindfolded."

"You cannot deplete human existence morally and spiritually as the last four centuries have depleted it, to the point not of high tragedy but of dismal triviality and farce, and then expect to transform it with a United Nations. You cannot transform it with anything less than a faith that has a cross in the middle, and the kind of people gathered round that God Himself will underwrite."

"There is not today, there never has been, and there never will be any adequate substitute for preaching."

"We need never have any fear that what the Bible fashions today will be outdated tomorrow. Because the words written on these pages, although they are the words of fallible men, are the words which God has formed. They are taken up in every generation by the Holy Spirit of God to become that Word."

"I would not give a brass farthing, as a rule, for a preacher who does not write at least one sermon a week for the first 10 or 15 years of his ministry. It is a discipline that no man can afford to forgo. To write only the first half and leave the second to God, as one young preacher said was his habit, merely exposes you to the compliment that was paid him: 'Sir, I congratulate you indeed. Your half is unfailingly better than God's.'"

"In a thousand pulpits the gospel is reduced to a plaintive with a vague promise, held together by a bit of advice."

"God walked down the stairs of heaven with a Baby in His arms."

"Love is a spendthrift, leaves it arithmetic at home, is always in the red."

"We find freedom when we find God; we lose it when we lose Him."