This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.
Indian Poet, Painter, Journalist, Politician, Media and Television Personality, Animal Activist and Film Producer
"Death is but a new birth of the spirit into the great unknown."
"I write for those who can never read the language. I use and write in a language that has no roots in my country but my voice is the voice of my people for I speak of their loves and ambitions and secret shames my eyes share, the hunger of the shameless woman who makes dispassionate love on the pavement whose large black nipples remind of my mother who is now old and lonely. I write for those who will craft a new country with their simple implements."
"The idea is to bring out dynamics of inter-personal relations, rather than inter-caste struggles that form the backdrop of the original."
"Now that we have come back to our broken homes in the wounded light of dusk this endless drama will continue our nights will burn we shall travel eastwards we shall suffer the agony of changes and yet remain unchanged ourselves for though our arms are maimed and our mouths cannot speak we remain lovers."
"Poetry always starts with words. When words start to hurt, we pause, regain our innocence and start again. But this time it’s not poetry. Its life writing itself out in a strange unfinished way. What you may choose to call an autobiography of sorts."
"What you cannot explain in terms of symbols is lost forever like blind totems and ruins in an old man's face."
"Strange the fevered word that leads nowhere yet breaks into memory nowhere yet memory that breaks the fevered word into strange leads that word leads nowhere yet breaks into the strange fevered memory where memory leads no strange word yet breaks the fevered into that yet memory leads nowhere that breaks into the strange fevered word fevered the strange memory that leads nowhere yet breaks into word. "