Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Red Cross NULL

Domestic and International Humanitarian Movement Providing Disaster Relief, Military Families Support, Lifesaving Blood, Health and Safety Training and Support Services, Founded by Clara Barton in Washington, D.C. in 1881

"[Motto] The greatest tragedy is indifference."

"The Red Cross in its nature, it aims and purposes, and consequently, its methods, is unlike any other organization in the country. It is an organization of physical action, of instantaneous action, at the spur of the moment; it cannot await the ordinary deliberation of organized bodies if it would be of use to suffering humanity... it has by its nature a field of its own. [Clara Barton] "

"The long-term strength of our nation depends upon our willingness to live out the ideals long embodied by the American Red Cross. To celebrate our past and to safeguard our future, I am proud to commend the countless individuals whose courage and selflessness have sustained this organization for more than a century. ?President Bill Clinton, 1995"

"I hope all Americans will reflect on the selflessness that has led so many of our neighbors to serve the Red Cross-and their fellow Americans-with their time, their energy, and their love. ?President Jimmy Carter, 1977"

"In order to help meet a growing post-war need, which would be multiplied in the event of a national emergency, this agency has inaugurated a national blood program intended to ensure eventually the availability of life-saving blood to the entire nation. ?President Harry S Truman, 1949"

"For millions of people in need. . . the Red Cross is a brilliant point of light-part of that vast galaxy of individuals, businesses, schools, churches, synagogues, and voluntary associations working together to solve problems. . . For 109 years that star has shone anytime there has been a need-anywhere there is a need. And today it dazzles still? providing light at the end of the tunnel, a rainbow through the clouds. ?President George Bush, 1990"

"By donating their time and energy to selflessly serve others, American Red Cross volunteers demonstrate the compassion and generosity for which Americans are known. Their service paves the way to a brighter future for our citizens and people around the world. ?President George Bush, 2006"

"After more than 130 years of providing humanitarian relief at home and abroad, the American Red Cross remains a reflection of the compassion and generosity central to our national identity. As we celebrate American Red Cross Month, let us resolve to preserve and renew that humanitarian impulse to save, to serve, and to build, and carry it forward in the year to come. President Barack Obama, 2012"

"One in five Americans is touched by the Red Cross every single year. ? Robert Brady"

"On every battlefield, a flag of mercy flies. Its white field bears a Red Cross-the universal symbol of human compassion. Under that flag, there are no enemies, no racial or religious animosities. There are only brothers. ?President Lyndon B. Johnson, 1968"

"The American Red Cross begins today the greatest single crusade of mercy in all history? Even our enemies know about the American Red Cross because it has never let international boundaries act as limits of mercy. Wherever our fighting me are ? all over the world ? the American Red Cross is by their side, extending always the arm of helpfulness and comfort. - President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1943"

"The services of the Red Cross demonstrate our nation?s tradition of neighbor helping neighbor. ?President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1959"

"With unfailing resourcefulness, zeal, and compassion, Red Cross volunteers have proved equal to the challenges of our time. In peace and in war, they have reflected the humanitarian instincts of the American people. ?President Ronald Reagan, 1981"

"Today as the Red Cross embarks upon its second century of service, each of us has an opportunity and an obligation to become a part of this humanitarian tradition. For only through our help is this important work made possible. ?President John F. Kennedy, 1963"