This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.
American Press, Held Hostage By Shiite Hezbollah Terrorists
"We come closest to God at our lowest moments."
"But it couldn't get any worse for us. People would be forced to deal with us at least."
"If other parents understood the potential their children could gain from that school, it would make a huge difference."
"If you're going to spend a long time locked in somebody's basement, take a professor with you."
"It's dangerous and unnecessary... We need an absolute and public blanket ban on recruiting and use of journalists and clergy by any intelligence agencies, and also the use of journalistic cover."
"It's just a matter of getting these cleared up and getting my driver's license back, and I'll be back in the work force and taking care of business."
"Much of our argument is likely to be with the U.S. government, rather than the Iranian government,"
"People are capable of doing an awful lot when they have no choice and I had no choice. Courage is when you have choices."
"People call me a victim of Lebanon, say I lost seven years of my life, ... I didn't lose them -- I lived them."
"Science could not fill the hole in my soul."
"The U.S. government will not negotiate with these people, and I have to say I don't believe they should. This is not a matter of negotiations. It is a matter of communications."
"There is no money to pay any ransom... These were three nonpolitical missionaries working in an Indian village when they were taken. This was a mistake."
"Those who murdered him gained absolutely nothing. There was no purpose to his death, political or otherwise. They didn't even gain publicity for the cause that they supposedly espouse. On the contrary, they discredit their cause. ... It's just such a senseless and pointless murder that it's outrageous."
"We don't want to get ready to expand and find out then what problems we have - we want to find out what's happening now to mitigate any possible conflicts."
"We have nothing to offer (the kidnappers) other than a chance to end this terrible situation."
"We will go directly back. We'd be willing to meet with them anywhere, Mexico City or wherever."
"We're the model of contract screening for our category of airports."
"We're trying to get some movement going, to appeal to the kidnappers and make them understand there's nothing to be gained from this and the right thing to do is release (the hostages)."
"What this has all been about in the beginning is trying to make terrorism expensive -- trying to make Iran understand that if it pays for these acts, it's going to be expensive."
"Cartoonists tend to be quite lonely, solitary animals and the whole point of the studio when it was founded was offering a team that could do larger pieces of work and larger commissions than a single cartoonist could ever hope to do."
"Do not let it happen here on the East Coast; you'll be sorry."
"I think it's a very strange place to find myself right at this particular point in my life."
"I'm serious. It feels like my stomach is on fire. I'm not sure what's up."
"No, man. It's weird. I must be getting old. My stomach hurts like hell. I think I twisted a muscle throwing a football around the other day. I honestly don't know if I can play golf."
"Selling public lands can help reduce the drain on the treasury and give us benchmarks to compare private with public management."
"Somehow, this trip is part of our healing."
"The fact that this is in a way personal, in a way very personal, is there. And it's a bit disturbing. I'm not entirely comfortable."
"The irony is that in the five years since I was released, the hostage-takers have become heroes."
"The main purpose of the study is to consider future lengthening, widening and strengthening of the runways."
"We believe our share repurchase program, combined with our ongoing strategic investments in our business and maintaining a strong cash balance, is in the best interest of our shareholders, ... Our board will continue to evaluate if and when and what amount of dividend will be paid."
"We were halfway through the book when we read something that James Holloway, director of the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, had written, bemoaning the lack of contemporary faces in the gallery. With work already completed, we presented it to him and he was keen to go ahead with an exhibition."
"When we made the initial list, there were around 400 names. We had to half that."