Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

William Proxmire, fully Edward William Proxmire

American Politician, Senator from Wisconsin

"Power always has to be kept in check; power exercised in secret, especially under the cloak of national security, is doubly dangerous."

"I have spent my career trying to get Congressmen to spend the people's money as if it were their own. But I have failed."

"He knows the tax code as thoroughly as the pope knows the Lord's Prayer."

"The last few years have been my happiest. I'm happy in the years that most people are blue and sad and waiting to die. I don't feel that a bit. Smiling has a lot to do with it. You can just lift your spirits by smiling a little bit."

"The limousine is the ultimate ego trip, the supreme sign of success. It shouts: Hey, this guy is really and truly Mr Big."

"The poor taxpayer may wipe his shoes on a $3 doormat when he goes home, but not the Navy. It is, damn the cost, full feet ahead on a doormat you would be ashamed to get muddy."

"Move over, $7,000 coffeepots! Stand aside, $400 hammers! We now have the $792 doormat!"

"The biggest danger for a politician is to shake hands with a man who is physically stronger, has been drinking and is voting for the other guy."

"The FDA and much, but not all, of the orthodox medical profession are actively hostile against vitamins and minerals... They are out to get the health food industry...And they are trying to do this out of active hostility and prejudice."

"The last few years have been my happiest. Im happy in the years that most people are blue and sad and waiting to die. I dont feel that a bit. Smiling has a lot to do with it. You can just lift your spirits by smiling a little bit."

"As chairman of the Senate subcommittee responsible for NASA appropriations, I say not a penny for this nutty fantasy."

"I have spent my career trying to get Congressmen to spend the people?s money as if it were their own. But I have failed."