This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.
Scottish Poet and Dramatist
"To make the cunning artless, tame the rude, subdue the haughty, shake the undaunted soul; yea, put a bridle in the lion?s mouth, and lead him forth as a domestic cur, these are the triumphs of all-powerful beauty."
"To struggle when hope is banished! To live when life's salt is gone! To dwell in a dream that's vanished! To endure, and go calmly on! The brave man is not he who feels no fear, For that were stupid and irrational; But he, whose noble soul its fear subdues, And bravely dares the danger nature shrinks from."
"Twice it call?d, so loudly call?d, with horrid strength, beyond the pitch of nature; and murder! murder! was the dreadful cry. A third time it return?d with feeble strength, but o? the sudden ceas?d, as though the words were smother?d rudely in the grappl?d throat, and all was still again, save the wild blast which at a distance growl?d?Oh! it will never from my mind depart! That dreadful cry, all i? the instant still?d."
"War is honorable in those who do their native rights maintain; in those whose swords an iron barrier are between the lawless spoiler and the weak; but is, in those who draw th? offensive blade for added power or gain, sordid and despicable as meanest office of the worldly churl."
"Who will not give some portion of his ease, his blood, his wealth, for others' good, is a poor, frozen churl."
"Woman?s grief is like a summer storm, short as it is violent."