Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Pliny the Elder, full name Casus Plinius Secundus NULL

Roman Author, Naturalist, Natural Philosopher, Naval and Army Commander

"Men are most apt to believe what they least understand."

"No mortal man is wise at all times."

"No mortal man, moreover is wise at all moments."

"Not a day without a line."

"Prosperity tries the fortunate, adversity the great."

"Shoemaker, stick to your last."

"The agricultural population, says Cato, produces the bravest men, the most valiant soldiers, and a class of citizens the least given of all to evil designs?. A bad bargain is always a ground for repentance."

"The bird of passage known to us as the cuckoo."

"The brain is the citadel of sense perception."

"The enjoyments of this life are not equal to its evils."

"The feasant hens of Colchis, which have two ears as it were consisting of feathers, which they will set up and lay down as they list."

"The first (barbers) that entered Italy came out of Sicily and it was in the 454 yeare after the foundation of Rome. Brought in they were by P. Ticinius Mena as Verra doth report for before that time they never cut their hair. The first that was shaven every day was Scipio Africanus, and after cometh Augustus the Emperor who evermore used the razor."

"The happier the moment the shorter."

"The master's eye is the best fertilizer."

"There is always something new out of Africa."

"There is an herb named in Latine Convolvulus (i.e. with wind), growing among shrubs and bushes, with carrieth a flower not unlike to this Lilly, save that it yeeldeth no smell nor hath those chives within; for whitenesse they resemble one another very much, as if Nature in making this floure were a learning and trying her skill how to frame the Lilly indeed."

"This is Italy, land sacred to the Gods."

"True glory consists in doing what deserves to be written; in writing what deserves to be read; and in so living as to make the world happier and better for our living in it."

"Truth comes out in wine."

"When a building is about to fall down, all the mice desert it."

"Why is it that we entertain the belief that for every purpose odd numbers are the most effectual?"

"Wine takes away reason, engenders insanity, leads to thousands of crimes, and imposes such an enormous expense on nations."

"With man, most of his misfortunes are occasioned by man."