This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.
American Paleoconservative Racist Political Commentator, Nazi Sympathizer, Author, Syndicated Columnist, Politician and Broadcaster, sought Presidential Nomination on the Reform Party ticket
"In the late 1940?s and 1950?s?race was never a preoccupation with us, we rarely thought about it?There were no politics to polarize us then, to magnify every slight. The ?Negroes? of Washington had their public schools, restaurants, bars, movie houses, playgrounds and churches; and we had ours."
"In the long run, one of the great threats to this country is its tendency to dissolve along the lines of race, ethnicity and language,"
"Islamization of Europe is an unavoidable consequence, indeed, an inevitability, once Europe ceased to reproduce itself. The descendants of the men who went out from Europe to conquer and Christianize the world have decided to leave the world. The culture of death triumphs, as the poor but fecund Muslims, expelled centuries ago, return to inherit the estate."
"It is time to call down the curtain on the sorry soap opera in the White House and restore dignity to the national stage."
"It is time to say 'yes' to Europe, time to let go, as doting parents whose children have reached maturity must let go. Indeed, let us accelerate the day of Europe's reclaiming its full independence by setting a date certain for the withdrawal of all U.S. troops."
"It's like Coke and Pepsi saying no other soft drink can enter the market unless they meet a certain criteria. That's preposterous."
"I've just come back from Mississippi and over there when you talk about the West Bank they think you mean Arkansas."
"Just as there's garbage that pollutes the Potomac River, there is garbage polluting our culture. We need an Environmental Protection Agency to clean it up."
"Kristol?s warning that neoconservatives could go to Kerry was an admission of what many have long recognized. The neoconservatives are not really conservatives at all. They are impostors and opportunists."
"Let me take issue with Joe Lieberman."
"It is dangerous to be America's enemy, but fatal to be America's friend."
"It is our calling to recapture the lost independence and sovereignty of our republic, to clean up all that pollutes our culture, and to heal the soul of America."
"It is false to say President Bush presided over a "jobless recovery." His trade deficits have created many millions of jobs in China."
"Listening to the neoconservatives, Bush invaded Iraq, united the Arab world against us, isolated us from Europe, and fulfilled to the letter bin Laden's prophecy as to what we were about."
"Like the Paris riots, the struggle over French history raises grave questions for Europe. How does the presence of 20 million Muslims who come from nations where men believe their grandfathers were exploited and persecuted by Europeans advance the unity and security of Europe? How is Europe made stronger by such "diversity"?"
"Like Thelma and Louise, Medicare and Social Security are headed for the cliff. And we are in the back seat."
"Mexico is moving north. Ethnically, linguistically, and culturally, the verdict of 1848 is being overturned. Will this Mexican nation within a nation advance the goals of the Constitution--to "insure domestic tranquility" and "make us a more perfect union"? Or has our passivity in the face of this invasion imperiled our union?"
"Mr. Bush is even in favor of expanding our Department of Education."
"Neither Beltway party is going to drain this swamp, because to them it is not a swamp at all, but a projected wetland and their natural habitat."
"McCarthy emerged in the person of Senator Russ Feingold of Wisconsin."
"Mr. Bush and Mr. Clinton agree on most-favored-nation trading privileges for China. They agreed on the war on Kosovo. They agree on open borders for immigration,"
"Mass immigration is swamping the GOP base. Tens of millions of immigrants who vote Democratic, once they are naturalized and registered, have come and are coming to America. History may yet record that the Immigration Act of 1965 act converted 'The Emerging Republican Majority' of Kevin Phillips' classic work into the Lost Colony of the 21st century."
"Neoconservatives are the boat people of the McGovern revolution."
"Obama's White House thus enlisted in the long and successful campaign to expel Christianity from the public square, diminish its presence in our public life, and reduce its role to that of just another religion."
"Nine days after an attack on the United States, this tiny clique of intellectuals [Neocons] was telling the President of the United States...that if he did not follow their war plans, he would be charged publicly with a "decisive surrender" to terrorism."
"On Bush "Free Trade" policies, the Republican Party has signed off on economic treason."
"Open borders (and) immigration."
"On an intellectual level, it stayed up on that level... It didn't get down to anything grisly, so I was delighted."
"Or will it take some cataclysmic act of violence on U.S. soil to finally awaken our gamesmen to the costs of global hegemony?"
"Our illegal population alone exceeds the all the Irish, Jewish and British immigrants who came. Each year, we catch more people breaking in at the border than all the Swedes and Norwegians who came to America in 200 years. Half a million illegal aliens succeed in breaking in every year, more than all the Greeks or Poles who came legally from the Revolution to 1960."
"Parents have a right to insist that godless evolution not be taught to their children."
"Peoples of European descent are not only in a relative but a real decline. They are aging, dying, disappearing. This is the existential crisis of the West."
"Pat will have certification from the duly elected party chairman and treasurer that the FEC recognizes. That's that. The money will come quick and if it doesn't, we'll just pop it in straight into federal court. It will move very fast and there will be no bumps in the road."
"Piece by piece, job by job, factory by factory, (American industry) is being carted off to foreign soil,"
"Perhaps some of us misremember the past. But the racial, religious, cultural, social, political, and economic divides today seem greater than they seemed even in the segregation cities some of us grew up in. Back then, black and white lived apart, went to different schools and churches, played on different playgrounds, and went to different restaurants, bars, theaters and soda fountains. But we shared a country and a culture. We were one nation. We were Americans."
"Programmed and scripted to stay away from controversy."
"Should the United States be a pagan or a Christian country??America was a Christian country. A quarter of a century ago, without prior consultation with a democratic people, without support in precedent or the Constitution, the Warren Court undertook the systematic de-Christianization of America, beginning, but not stopping, with the public schools?.."
"Ten years after NAFTA, Mexico's leading export to America is still ? Mexicans. America is becoming Mexamerica."
"Terrorism is the price of empire. If we do not wish to pay it, we must give up the empire."
"That ?civil rights leaders? are silent about the dispossession of the black working class, that unions are not marching to denounce this sellout of blue-collar and white-collar America, only tells us that the amorality of the transnational corporation has infected both. Solidarity be damned, it is all about money now."
"Sanctions have become a way for the United States to vent its anger on the cheap without risking the lives of the armed forces."
"Rail as they will against ?discrimination,? women are simply not endowed by nature with the same measures of single-minded ambition and the will to succeed in the fiercely competitive world of Western capitalism?The momma bird builds the nest. So it was, so it ever shall be. Ronald Reagan is not responsible for this; God is."
"She has stood up for flag and family, God and country her whole life... She is a lifelong Christian. She believes in the Ten Commandments and the Sermon on the Mount, and she believes strongly that America's borders ought to be protected."
"Senator Joseph McCarthy, in his career fighting communists, did nothing to their collaborators, sympathizers, and defenders to compare with what was done to the patriots of America First. But the acolytes of FDR won the great debate as decisively as America won the war. To this day, any who oppose U.S. commitments to fight wars in Europe or Asia, or new global entanglements, must first answer to the intimidating charge that they are nothing but ?isolationists.?"
"Saying the Washington Post is just a newspaper is like saying Rasputin was just a country priest."
"Stated bluntly, the Aztlan Strategy entails the end of the United States as a sovereign, self-sufficient, independent republic, the passing away of the American nation. They are coming to conquer us."
"That the United States would sit still for anything was brought home to the Israelis, long ago, on the third day of the Six-Day War, when Lyndon Johnson ordered a coverup of an Israeli rocket-and-machine gun attack on the U.S. intelligence ship Liberty off the Sinai, an attack costing the lives of 37 brave American soldiers."
"The Bush plan is economic treason against the American worker. That "civil rights leaders" are silent about the dispossession of the black working class, that unions are not marching to denounce this sellout of blue-collar and white-collar America, only tells us that the amorality of the transnational corporation has infected both. Solidarity be damned, it is all about money now."
"The Beltway Right has entered into a civil union with Big Brother."
"The Bush National Security Strategy is the imperial edict of a superpower out to exploit its present supremacy to make itself permanent Lord Protector of the universe."