This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.
Brazilian Lyricist and Novelist
"You can either be a victim of the world or an adventurer in search of treasure. It all depends on how you view your life."
"You can find a pair soul to see the light in their eyes, and from the beginning, that's how people recognize their true love."
"You can live your life in many ways, but only one of them will fill you completely. The price for this is high, but you will not be cheaper if you do not really live your life."
"You can leaf or feather that're producing wonders, pains, dreams and re-check lost hope."
"You can say what you like, but words won't change anything. I'm not happy."
"You cannot give anything more important than the Love reflected in your own life. That is the one true universal language, which allows us to speak Chinese or the dialects of India. For if, one day, you go to those places, the silent eloquence of Love will mean that you will be understood by everyone."
"You cannot change a man with knowledge; the only thing that can change a person's mind is with love... Passion makes us stop eating, stopped sleeping, stopped working and no longer feel peaceful again. A lot of people were making panic because when passion comes in, it destroys everything worn, it find its own path."
"You can't avoid pain, but you can choose to overcome it."
"You can't spend the whole day waiting for night to come."
"You could tell your soul mate by the light in their eyes, and since the time began, that has been how people have recognized their true love."
"You can't want to be happy, because that's too easy and too boring."
"You don't have to climb a mountain to find out whether or not it's high."
"You do not need to understand. I'm teaching him because I've discovered a few things that I did not previously know. That's the donated gifts. Donated something owned by one person. Donated something more important than it requires. He had my precious treasure: the pen that I used to write down their dreams. I have his treasure: the wagon trains, a part of childhood that he had never lived. would you take with you a part of his past, and he carries with him at a fraction of the current them. That is not cute or what?"
"You don't seem mad at all,' she said. But I am, although I'm undergoing a cure, because my problem is that I lack a particular chemical. However, while I hope that the chemical gets rid of my chronic depression, I want to continue being mad, living life the way I dream it, and not the way other people want it to be. Do you know what exists out there, beyond the walls of Villete?"
"You drown not by falling in the river but by staying submerged in it."
"You don't need to justify or explain your dreams. They belong to you."
"You experienced pain yesterday and you discovered that it led to pleasure. You experienced it today and found peace. That's why I'm telling you: don't get used to it, because it's very easy to become habituated: it's a very powerful drug. It's in our daily lives, in our hidden sufferings, in the sacrifices we make, blaming love for the destruction of our dreams. Pain is frightening when it shows its real face, but it's seductive when it comes disguised as sacrifice or se-denial. Or cowardice. However much we may reject it, we human beings always find a way of being with pain, of flirting with it and making it part of our lives."
"You feel that nothing you have learned has put down roots, that while you?re capable of entering the magical universe, you cannot remain submerged in it. You feel that all of this may be nothing but a fantasy dreamed up by people to fend off their fear of death."
"You have Einstein, saying that there was no time or space, just a combination of the two."
"You had to take risks, follow some paths and abandon others."
"You have passed through the two hardest tests on the spiritual road: the patience to wait for the right moment and the courage not to be disappointed with what you encounter."
"You have to speak crashes. Convince your face smiling seriousness. Your eyes are filled with tears shy trembled on your lashes, like Todd to apologize for appearing forcibly."
"You have to leave, in order to return to the present."
"You have the figure legend should be carried out. Point ended. It does not matter if other people are helping, or criticize, or ignore. You are doing it because it is your destiny on this earth, and the source of joys."
"You have to show the bad, so that they understand the value of good."
"You have two choices: to take possession of your mind or to let your mind conquer you. The latter options are known - they have let the fears, the neuroses, insecurities - because the man is inflicted tendency for self-destruction."
"You have understood what all great painters understand: in order to forget the rules, you must know them and respect them."
"You have to take risks, he said. We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen. Every day, God gives us the sun--and also one moment in which we have the ability to change everything that makes us unhappy. Every day, we try to pretend that we haven't perceived that moment, that it doesn't exist--that today is the same as yesterday and will be the same as tomorrow. But if people really pay attention to their everyday lives, they will discover that magic moment. It may arrive in the instant when we are doing something mundane, like putting our front-door key in the lock; it may lie hidden in the quiet that follows the lunch hour or in the thousand and one things that all seem the same to us. But that moment exists--a moment when all the power of the stars becomes a part of us and enables us to perform miracles."
"You know that there is a city on the far side of the ocean. But you haven't yet found the ship, nor have you loaded your bags, nor crossed the sea. Why Spend time commenting on what it is like, or how should one walk thru its streets?"
"You just had given up that there are two things that prevent a person to realize his dream: to think are impossible, or a sudden twist of fate to make them available when least expected. Because at that moment began to fear the path that led him to God knows where, of life, full of unknown challenges and opportunities, which is used to disappear forever"
"You may know the value of turbans, but I know how far vanity can lead a man."
"You might have lost some major battles, but you survived and you're still here."
"You must be the person you have never had the courage to be. Gradually, you will discover that you are that person, but until you can see this clearly, you must pretend and invent."
"You must always know what it is that you want."
"You must be careful never to allow doubt to paralyze you. always take the decisions you need to take, even if you're not sure you're doing the right thing. You'll never go wrong if, when you make a decision, you keep in mind an old German proverb: 'The devil is in the detail.' Remember that proverb and you'll always be able to turn a wrong decision into a right one."
"You must understand that love never keeps a man from pursuing his Personal Legend. If he abandons that pursuit, it?s because it wasn?t true love ? the love that speaks the Language of the World."
"You must remember that love never keeps a man from pursuing his personal legend. If he abandons that pursuit, it's because it wasn't true love...the love that speaks the language of the world."
"You only know yourself when you go beyond your limits."
"You never know what kind of pain someone has been through and how it might have changed their life and the way they are, so don't judge then by their actions but by their heart."
"You said that going on the Road to Santiago is important. For it, one must give up everything for some time: family, work, projects. And I don't know whether I'll find everything the same when."
"You never let the cards tell their own story; you were trying to make them confirm what you imagined you knew."
"You should never condemn the lives of others, because everyone knows how great the pain and sacrifice him. One has to think that you have found the right path, quite another to think that yours is the only possible way."
"You should paint those visions of paradise rather than just talking about them."
"You say they create their own reality, said Veronika, but what is reality?"
"You still haven't managed to heal the scars left by some of the injustices committed against you in your life and it doesn't do you any good. All it does is feed a constant desire to feel sorry for yourself, because you were the victim of people stronger than you. Or else it makes you go to the other extreme and disguise yourself as an avenger ready to strike out at the people who hurt you. Isn't that a waste of time?... It is human, but it's not intelligent or reasonable."
"You should not ask, I answered. Love does not ask many questions, because if we start thinking began to be afraid. It's an inexplicable fear, and not worth trying to translate it into words. It may be the fear of scorn, not to be accepted, to break the spell. It seems ridiculous, but true. Wonders why not. Acted as you yourself have said many times, the risks run."
"You told me that all life's battles teach us something, even those we lose."
"You were in paradise, but you didn?t recognize it. It?s the same with most people in this world; they seek suffering in the most joyous of places because they think they are unworthy of happiness."
"You shouldn't have asked, I said. Love doesn't ask many questions, because if we stop to think we become fearful. It's an inexplicable fear; it's difficult even to describe it. Maybe it's the fear of being scorned, of not being accepted, or of breaking the spell. It's ridiculous, but that's the way it is. That's why you don't ask-you act. As you've said many times, you have to take risks."
"You were my hope during my days of loneliness, my anxiety during moments of doubt, my certainty during moments of faith."