Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

George Herbert

Welsh-born English Metaphysical Poet, Orator and Anglican Priest

"Play not for gain, but sport; who plays for more than he can lose with pleasure stakes his heart."

"Love is the true price of love."

"Love makes all hearts gentle."

"One sword keeps another in the sheath."

"More have repented speech than silence."

"Many things are lost for want of asking."

"One father is more than a hundred schoolmasters."

"War makes thieves, and peace hangs them."

"The Devil never assails a man except he find him either void of knowledge, or of the fear of God."

"Sometimes the best gain is to lose."

"None knows the weight of another’s burden."

"Storms make oaks take deeper root."

"Sum up at night what thou hast done by day, and in the morning what thou hast to do; dress and undress thy soul; mark the decay or growth of it. If with thy watch that too be down, then wind up both. Since thou shalt be most surely judged, make thine accounts agree."

"Wine is a turn-coat, first a friend, then an enemy."

"As the earth is but a point in respect to the heavens, so are earthly troubles compared to heavenly joys."

"'Tis hard to be wretched, but worse to be known so."

"He that pities another remembers himself."

"Honor and profit lie not in one sack."

"He who cannot forgive others destroys the bridge over which he himself must pass."

"All foreign wisdom doth amount to this, to take all that is given, whether wealth, or love, or language; nothing comes amiss: a good digestion turneth all to health."

"Hell is full of good meanings and wishings."

"Knowledge is folly unless grace guide it."

"Be calm in argument; for fierceness makes error a fault, and truth discourtesy. Why should I feel another man’s mistakes more than his sicknesses or poverty? In love I should: but anger is not love, nor wisdom either; therefore gently move. Calmness is great advantage; he that lets another chafe may warm him at his fire, mark all his wand’rings and enjoy his frets, as cunning fencers suffer heat to tire."

"One good mother is worth a hundred school masters."

"From small fires comes oft no small mishap."

"Lie not, neither to thyself nor men nor God. Let mouth and heart be one - beat and speak together, and make both felt in action. It is for cowards to lie."

"Pursue not a victory too far. He hath conquered well that hath made his enemy fly; thou mayest beat him to a desperate resistance, which may ruin thee."

"Love and a cough cannot be hid."

"Thou that hast given so much to me, give one thing more - a grateful heart."

"None knows the weight of another's burden."

"Woe be to him who reads but one book."

"Dare to be true. Nothing can need a lie: A fault, which needs it most, grows two thereby."

"By all means use sometimes to be alone."

"Be useful where thou livest."

"Who goes to bed and does not pray,maketh two nights to every day."

"The best mirrour is an old friend."

"Debters are lyers."

"All truths are not to be told."

"Send a wise man on an errand, and say nothing unto him."

" The mill cannot grind with water that's past."

"Love your neighbor, yet pull not downe your hedge."

"Man proposeth, God disposeth."

"He that lies with the dogs riseth with fleas."

"All things require skill but an appetite."

"In the kingdome of blind men the one-ey'd is king."

"A great ship askes deepe waters."

"The buyer needes a hundred eyes, the seller not one."

"Hope is the poor man's bread."

"A penny spar'd is twice got."

"Gluttony kills more then the sword."