Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Egyptian Proverbs


"Malice drinketh its own poison."

"Man fears time - Time fears the pyramids."

"Man, know thyself ... and thou shalt know the gods."

"Man proposes, God disposes."

"Man must learn to increase his sense of responsibility and of the fact that everything he does will have its consequences."

"Many hands make light work."

"May no lies be spoken against me in the presence of God."

"Men need images. Lacking them they invent idols. Better then to found the images on realities that lead the true seeker to the source."

"Money goes to peacocks."

"Money is sweet balm."

"Movement is a blessing."

"Never speak untruth and falsity knowingly."

"More precious than our children are the children of our children."

"My KA dwells in my body. Insult it not."

"No discussion can throw light if it wanders from the real point."

"News that’s for money today will be for free tomorrow."

"No one can go above their status in life."

"Not the greatest Master can go even one step for his disciple; in himself he must experience each stage of developing consciousness. Therefore he will know nothing for which he is not ripe."

"Once burned, twice shy."

"Nothing stays the same."

"Old countries don't disappear overnight; they stay for breakfast."

"O! sister, you believe in a man's honesty; it's like you are believing in water in a sieve."

"Often said when people spend a great deal of time preparing for a normal or usual event."

"One will inevitably meet one’s destiny."

"Organization is impossible unless those who know the laws of harmony lay the foundation."

"Our senses serve to affirm, not to know."

"One hand doesn’t clap."

"One foot isn't enough to walk with."

"One never changes"

"One should do nothing with a false heart."

"One who cooks poison tastes it."

"One who drinks from the Nile must return."

"One who marries for love alone will have bad days but good nights."

"People don’t have boundaries anymore."

"People died and came back to life preparing for Yehia's Wedding."

"People are not objective when it comes to themselves and their family."

"Peace is the fruit of activity, not of sleep."

"People's real worth is known only through trial."

"Pass by your enemy hungry but never naked."

"People bring about their own undoing through their tongues."

"People only respond to harsh treatment."

"Popular beliefs on essential matters must be examined in order to discover the original thought."

"Physical consciousness is indispensable for the achievement of knowledge."

"Pretend to be weak and submissive until you get your chance."

"Pride feels no pain."

"Practice makes perfect."

"Pride and dignity would belong to women if only men would leave them alone."

"Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall."

"Put a rope around your neck and many will be happy to drag you along"

"Protect the flame of your candle and it will light more."