Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

Publius Syrus

Secret pleasure is rather fear than joy.

Character | Fear | Joy | Pleasure |

Alexander Smith

Vanity in its idler moments is benevolent, is as willing to give pleasure as to take it, and accepts as sufficient reward for its services a kind word or an approving smile.

Character | Pleasure | Reward | Smile |

Yosef Dov Soloveitchik, aka Beis Halevi

Anyone who runs after worldly pleasures is running after something that does not really exist. The reality is that the pleasure he seeks will not be found in the matter he desires.

Character | Pleasure | Reality | Will |

William Shenstone

What leads to unhappiness is making pleasure the chief aim.

Character | Pleasure | Unhappiness |

Harold W Thompson

The generous heart should scorn a pleasure which gives others pain.

Character | Heart | Pain | Pleasure |

John Tillotson, Archbishop of Canterbury

When we have practiced good action awhile, they become easy; when they are easy, we take pleasure in them; when they please us, we do them frequently; and then, by frequency of act, they grow into a habit.

Action | Character | Good | Habit | Pleasure |

Wilhelm Stekel

A pleasure not shared is only half a pleasure.

Character | Pleasure | Wisdom |

John Tillotson, Archbishop of Canterbury

There is little pleasure in the world that is true and sincere besides the pleasure of doing our duty and doing good. I am sure no other is comparable to this.

Character | Duty | Good | Little | Pleasure | World |

Isaac Abravanel, fully Don Itshak ben Yehouda Abravanel

The reward of the souls in the world beyond is their ability to attain the true concept of God which is a source of the most wonderful felicity, an attainment impossible for man in this early life because of the disturbances on the part of matter.

Ability | Attainment | God | Life | Life | Man | Reward | Wisdom | World | God |

Washington Allston

Reverence is an ennobling sentiment; it is felt to be degrading only by the vulgar mind, which would escape the sense of its own littleness by elevating itself into an antagonist of what is above it. He that has no pleasure in looking up is not fit so much as to look down.

Mind | Pleasure | Reverence | Sense | Sentiment | Wisdom |

Abu Yazid Tayfur ibn 'Isa ibn Surushan al-Bismtami

Anyone whose reward from God is deferred until tomorrow has not truly worshipped Him today.

God | Reward | Tomorrow | Wisdom | God |

Ali Hameed Almaas

We are always looking for pleasure, frantically seeking happiness in many ways, and totally missing the simplest, most fundamental pleasure, which actually is also the greatest pleasure: just being here. When we are really present, the presence itself is made out of fullness, contentment and blissful pleasure... Happiness, value, and pleasure are not he result of anything. These qualities are part of our fundamental nature.

Contentment | Nature | Pleasure | Present | Qualities | Wisdom | Happiness |