Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

Italian Proverbs

So good that he is good for nothing.

Effort | Good | Internet | People | Power | Promise | Time |

Italian Proverbs

The devil is bad because he is old.

Ability | Age | Art | Control | Culture | Humor | Memory | Need | Time | Work | World | Art |

Italian Proverbs

The thief's wife does not always laugh.

Energy | Family | Little | Need | People | Regulation | Old |

Italian Proverbs

The sound of the bell does not drive away rooks.

Mind |

Italian Proverbs

Who has never done thinking never begins doing.

Control | Story |

Italian Proverbs

To confessor, doctor, and lawyer do not hide the truth.

Harm | News | Rights |

Italian Proverbs

The saint has no believers unless he works miracles.

Hope | World |

Italian Proverbs

Where there is great love there is great pain.

Good | People | Right |

Italian Proverbs

The covetous man is good to none and worst to himself.

Italian Proverbs

What shall I say when it is better to say nothing?

Body | Men | Mind | Reason |

Italian Proverbs

What costs little is little esteemed.

Enough | Humanity | Progress | Science | Will | Think |

Italian Proverbs

When rogues go in procession the devil carries the cross.

Important | Self-knowledge | Truths |

Italian Proverbs

When the tree is down every one runs to it with a hatchet to cut wood.

Respect | Will | World | Respect |

Italian Proverbs

Where there's a will there's a way.

Mind | Thought | Thought |

Italian Proverbs

Water after does not quench a fire at hand.

Time | Unity | Think |

Italian Proverbs

Who has no courage must have legs.

Creativity |

Italian Proverbs

What the eye sees not the heart rues not.

Feelings | Mind | Mindfulness | Practice |

J. R. R. Tolkien, fully John Ronald Reuel Tolkien

And so they stood on the walls of the City of Gondor, and a great wind rose and blew, and their hair, raven and golden, streamed out mingling in the air.

Children | Global | Government | Labor | People | Rights | War | Government |