Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Love is when the other person's happiness is more important than your own.

Love | Mother |

Gustave Flaubert

Without ideality, there is no grandeur; without grandeur there is no beauty. Olympus is a mountain. The most swagger monument will always be the Pyramids. Exuberance is better than taste; the desert is better than a street-pavement, and a savage is better than a hairdresser!

Love | Plan |

Haile Selassie

Twenty-seven years ago, as Emperor of Ethiopia, I mounted the rostrum in Geneva, Switzerland, to address the League of Nations and to appeal for relief from the destruction which had been unleashed against my defenseless nation, by the Fascist invader.

Husband | Love |

Hannah Arendt

In this world which we enter, appearing from a nowhere, and from which we disappear into a nowhere, Being and Appearing coincide.

Time |

Hannah Arendt

It is, in fact, far easier to act under conditions of tyranny than it is to think.

Love |

Hans Küng

I am sure that this will be seen in the Catholic world, and even more than that, as a hopeful sign because it shows that he [Benedict] has more positive intentions than maybe what was seen at the beginning.

Time |

Hannah Arendt

What really distinguishes this generation in all countries from earlier generations... is its determination to act, its joy in action, the assurance of being able to change things by one's own efforts.

Time |

Hans Hoffman

The product of movement and counter-movement is tension. When tension ? working strength ? is expressed, it endows the work of art with the living effect of coordinated, though opposing, forces.

Time |

Hannah Arendt

What makes it so plausible to assume that hypocrisy is the vice of vices is that integrity can indeed exist under the cover of all other vices except this one. Only crime and the criminal, it is true, confront us with the perplexity of radical evil; but only the hypocrite is really rotten to the core.

History | Price | Time |

Hans Rosling

Health cannot be bought at the supermarket. You have to invest in health. You have to get kids into schooling. You have to train health staff. You have to educate the population.

Love | Old |

Italian Proverbs

The best defense is a good offence.

Time | Learn |

Italian Proverbs

The eye of the master fattens the horse.

Experience | Life | Life | Principles | Psychology | Time | Youth | Youth |

Italian Proverbs

Shame take him that shame thinketh.

Love | People |

Italian Proverbs

ne with the courage to laugh is master of the world almost as much as the one who is ready to die.

Love |

Italian Proverbs

Needs must when the devil drives.

Harmony | Object | Time |

Italian Proverbs

No day but has its evening.

Competition | Focus | Important | Love | Question | Will |

Italian Proverbs

One is never too old to yearn.

Hate | Love | Philosophy | Reform | Will |

Italian Proverbs

Never rub your eye but with your elbow.

Love |

Italian Proverbs

No one gets rich quickly if he is honest.

Money | Research | Time |

Italian Proverbs

People get the government they deserve.

Better | Love | Relationship | Understand |