Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

Italian Proverbs

When in trouble first of all every one himself should do his best to improve his condition.

Good | People |

Italian Proverbs

Where god has a church the devil will have his chapel.

People | Personality |

Italian Proverbs

There's no going to heaven in a sedan.

People | Public |

Italian Proverbs

Wait time and place to take your revenge, for it is never well done in a hurry.

Memory | Time | Truth |

Italian Proverbs

When a man has fallen into the mire, the more he flounders the more he fouls himself.

Dishonesty | Life | Life | Little | People | Reason | Self | Sense | Truth | Words | Think |

Italian Proverbs

Where there is great love there is great pain.

Good | People | Right |

Italian Proverbs

There is a cause for all things.

Intelligence | People |

Italian Proverbs

There's no getting to heaven in a coach.

Censor | Fear | People | Think |

Italian Proverbs

The sons of cats catch mice.

Right |

Italian Proverbs

Today me, tomorrow thee.

Individual | People | Power |

Italian Proverbs

When house and land are gone and spent, then learning is most excellent.

Childhood | People | Personality |

Italian Proverbs

The soldier is well paid for doing mischief.

Administration | Decision | Global | Health | Policy | Right | Rights | Struggle |

Italian Proverbs

The sun loses nothing by shining into a puddle.

Future | Present | Time |

Italian Proverbs

Things that has happened will happen again. Religious myths for example, which are allegorical, will per definition reoccur.

Time |

Italian Proverbs

When wine sinks, words swim.

Atheism | Better | Commitment | God | Life | Life | Reason | Right | Story | Suffering | Truth | Unique | God |

Italian Proverbs

When a friend asks, there is no tomorrow.

Time |

Italian Proverbs

Where there is no temptation there is no glory.

Need | People | World |

Italian Proverbs

Virtue comes not from chance but long study.

Memory | Time |

Italian Proverbs

Water after does not quench a fire at hand.

Time | Unity | Think |