Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

Hans Reichenbach

Clocks are inherently four-dimensional instruments, since the endpoints of their unit distances are events. Measuring rods, on the other hand, are three-dimensional measuring instruments; their end points are space points and they can be changed into four-dimensional measuring instruments only if events are produced at their end points according to a special rule.

Hans Reichenbach

Absolute time would exist in a causal structure for which the concept indeterminate as to time order lends to a unique simultaneity, i.e., for which there is no finite interval of time between the departure and return of a first-signal...

Hans Reichenbach

Common to the two geometries is only the general property of one-to-one correspondence, and the rule that this correspondence determines straight lines as shortest lines as well as their relations of intersection.

Italian Proverbs

One may buy gold too dear.

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Italian Proverbs

Sometimes the lees are better than the wine.

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Italian Proverbs

Nothing improves the taste of pasta more than a good appetite.

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Italian Proverbs

Of this world each man has as much as he takes.

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Italian Proverbs

The eye of the master fattens the horse.

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Italian Proverbs

The father a saint the son a devil.

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Italian Proverbs

One good morsel and a hundred vexations.

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Italian Proverbs

None so deaf as those who will not hear.

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Italian Proverbs

Much smoke, and little roast.

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Italian Proverbs

Not all truths are proper to be told.

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Italian Proverbs

The buyer has need of a hundred eyes, the seller of but one.

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Italian Proverbs

The ass does not know the worth of this tail till he has lost it.

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Italian Proverbs

One enemy is too much, and a hundred friends are not enough.

Italian Proverbs

Smooth words make smooth ways.

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Italian Proverbs

One who makes his bed must lie in it.

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Italian Proverbs

Preventing someone from falling is better than helping him get up.

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Italian Proverbs

The best way to conquer or control a group of people is by encouraging them to fight among themselves rather than allowing them to unite in opposition to the ruling authority.

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