Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

Vannevar Bush

The applications of science have built man a well-supplied house, and are teaching him to live healthily therein. They have enabled him to throw masses of people against another with cruel weapons. They may yet allow him truly to encompass the great record and to grow in the wisdom of race experience. He may perish in conflict before he learns to wield that record for his true good. Yet, in the application of science to the needs and desires of man, it would seem to be a singularly unfortunate stage at which to terminate the process, or to lose hope as to the outcome.

Future | Machines | Present | Will |

Vauvenargues, Luc de Clapiers, Marquis de Vauvenargues NULL

Poverty cannot debase sturdy souls, nor riches lift up mean ones.

Future | Past | Present |

Tryon Edwards

Science has sometimes been said to be opposed to faith, and inconsistent with it. But all science, in fact, rests on a basis of faith, for it assumes the permanence and uniformity of natural laws - a thing which can never be demonstrated.

Evidence | Future | Regret | World | Wrong |

Tryon Edwards

Right actions in the future are the best explanations or apologies for wrong ones in the past; the best evidence of regret for them that we can offer, or the world receive.

Evidence | Future | Past | Regret | World | Wrong |

Thomas L. Friedman, fully Thomas Lauren Friedman

I think [the invasion of Iraq] was unquestionably worth doing, Charlie. I think that, looking back, I now certainly feel I understand more what the war was about... We needed to go over there basically, and take out a very big stick, right in the heart of that world, and burst that bubble… And what they needed to see was American boys and girls going from house to house, from Basra to Baghdad, and basically saying: which part of this sentence do you understand?

Better | Existence | Future | Government | Majority | People | Poverty | Statistics | World | Government | Think |

Thomas Malthus, fully Thomas Robert Malthus

The main peculiarity which distinguishes man from other animals is the means of his support-the power which he possesses of very greatly increasing these means.

Better | Confidence | Future | Little | Money | Nature | People | Time | Will |

Woodrow Wilson, fully Thomas Woodrow Wilson

A great nation is not led by a man who simply repeats the talk of the street-corners or the opinions of the newspapers. A nation is led by a man who hears more than those things; or who, rather, hearing those things, understands them better, unites them, puts them into a common meaning; speaks, not the rumors of the street, but a new principle for a new age; a man in whose ears the voices of the nation do not sound like the accidental and discordant notes that come from the voice of a mob, but concurrent and concordant like the united voices of a chorus, whose many meanings, spoken by melodious tongues, unite in his understanding in a single meaning and reveal to him a single vision, so that he can speak what no man else knows, the common meaning of the common voice. Such is the man who leads a great, free, democratic nation.

Action | Credit | Destroy | Determination | Future | Growth | Men | Money | Public | Question | Reason | System |

Thucydides NULL

Having done what men could, they suffered what men must.

Future | Glory | Present |

Thornton Wilder, fully Thornton Niven Wilder

The future is the most expensive luxury in the world.

Future | Will | Winning |

Thucydides NULL

Mankind are tolerant of the praises of others as long as each hearer thinks that he can do as well or nearly as well himself, but, when the speaker rises above him, jealousy is aroused and he begins to be incredulous.

Enemy | Force | Future | Strength | Vengeance | Wrong |

Thornton Wilder, fully Thornton Niven Wilder

The highest tribute to the dead is not grief but gratitude.

Future | Luxury |

Woodrow Wilson, fully Thomas Woodrow Wilson

The question upon which the whole future peace and policy of the world depends is this: Is the present war a struggle for a just and secure peace, or only for a new balance of power? If it be only a struggle for a new balance of power, who will guarantee, who can guarantee, the stable equilibrium of the new arrangement? Only a tranquil Europe can be a stable Europe. There must be, not a balance of power, but a community of power; not organized rivalries, but an organized common peace.

Future | Land | Nations | Question |

Hugh Blair

Dissimulation in youth is the forerunner of perfidy in old age. - It degrades parts and learning, obscures the luster of every accomplishment, and sinks us into contempt. - The path of falsehood is a perplexing maze. - One artifice leads on to another, till, as the intricacy of the labyrinth increases, we are left entangled in our own snare.

Future | Life | Life | Man | Mind | Nature | Power | Time |

Thucydides NULL

They have discovered that the length of time we have now been in commission has rotted our ships and wasted our crews, and that with the completeness of our crews and the soundness of the pristine efficiency of our navy has departed. For it is impossible for us to haul our ships ashore and dry them out because the enemy's vessels being as many or more than our own, we are constantly anticipating an attack.

Change | Future | Past | Present | Right | Service | Virtue | Virtue | Wealth |

Dale Dougherty

What we did not imagine was a Web of people, but a Web of documents.

Care | Future | Responsibility | World |

Charles F. Kettering, fully Charles Franklin Kettering

Our imagination is the only limit to what we can hope to have in the future.

Future | Life | Life | Rest |

Daniel Gilbert, fully Daniel Todd Gilbert, aka Professor Happiness

A healthy psychological immune system strikes a balance that allows us to feel good enough to cope with our situation but bad enough to do something about it. We need to be defended­ -- not defenseless or defensive­ -- and thus our minds naturally look for the best view of things while simultaneously insisting that those views stick reasonably closely to the facts.

Future | Heart | Think |


Generality is, indeed, an indispensable ingredient of reality; for mere individual existence or actuality without any regularity whatever is a nullity. Chaos is pure nothing.

Character | Future | Law |

Daniel Gilbert, fully Daniel Todd Gilbert, aka Professor Happiness

Not to think about the future requires that we convince our frontal lobe to do what it was designed to do, and like a heart that is told not to beat, it naturally resists that suggestion.

Future | Hope | Will |