Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

Italian Proverbs

Of the great and of the dead either speak will or say nothing.

Control | Failure | Patience | Wisdom | World | Failure |

Italian Proverbs

Much smoke, and little roast.

Life | Life | Television | World | Understand |

Italian Proverbs

One must have been controlled in the same situation one wishes to properly control others.

Change | People | World | Think |

Italian Proverbs

Take heed of enemies reconciled and of meat twice boiled.

Power | Revolution | Will | World |

Italian Proverbs

Shame take him that shame thinketh.

Love | People |

Italian Proverbs

The devil will tempt Lucifer.

World |

Italian Proverbs

Smooth words make smooth ways.

World |

Italian Proverbs

That that comes of a cat will catch mice.

Day | Faith | Reality | Reason | Will | World |

Italian Proverbs

ne with the courage to laugh is master of the world almost as much as the one who is ready to die.

Love |

Italian Proverbs

No one perceives where the shoe pinches but he who wears it.

Efficiency | Knowledge | Money | World |

Italian Proverbs

No day but has its evening.

Competition | Focus | Important | Love | Question | Will |

Italian Proverbs

One is never too old to yearn.

Hate | Love | Philosophy | Reform | Will |

Italian Proverbs

Never rub your eye but with your elbow.

Love |

Italian Proverbs

People get the government they deserve.

Better | Love | Relationship | Understand |

Italian Proverbs

The devil is bad because he is old.

Ability | Age | Art | Control | Culture | Humor | Memory | Need | Time | Work | World | Art |

Italian Proverbs

Two women and a goose make a market.

Doubt | Irony | Life | Life | Means | Need | Plenty | Self | Superiority | Understanding | Work | World | Afraid |

Italian Proverbs

There is no beard so well shaven but another barber will find something more to shave from it.

Better | Opinion | Question | World |

Italian Proverbs

There goes more than one ass to market.

Ideas | Love | Qualities | Blessed | Winning |

Italian Proverbs

Who has a head of wax should not be in the sunshine.

World |

Italian Proverbs

The sun passes over filth and is not defiled.

Will | World |