Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

Louis Kossuth, also Lajos Kossuth, fully Lajos Kossuth de Udvard et Kossuthfalva

Justice is immortal, eternal, and immutable, like God Himself; and the development of law is only then a progress when it is directed towards those principles which always like Him, are eternal; and whenever prejudice of error succeeds in establishing in customary law any doctrine contrary to eternal justice.

Character | Doctrine | Error | Eternal | God | Justice | Law | Prejudice | Principles | Progress | God |

Henry Demarest Lloyd

Civilization is simply applied conscience, and Progress is a widening conscience.

Character | Civilization | Conscience | Progress |

Paul L. McKay, D.D.

Cynics build no bridges; they make no discoveries; no gaps are spanned by them. Cynics may pride themselves in being realistic in their approach, but progress and the onward march of Christian civilization demand an inspiration and motivation that cynicism never affords. If we want progress we must take the forward look.

Character | Civilization | Cynicism | Inspiration | Pride | Progress |

Nikita Ivanovich Panin

True progress consists not so much in increasing our needs as in diminishing our wants.

Character | Progress | Wants |

Paul Radin

No progress in ethnology will be achieved until scholars rid themselves once and for all of the curious notion that everything possesses a history; until they realize that certain ideas and certain concepts are as ultimate for man, as a social being, as specific physiological reactions are ultimate for him, as a biological being.

Character | History | Ideas | Man | Progress | Will |

Pierre Louis Roederer

True purity of taste is a quality of the mind; it is a feeling which can, with little difficulty, be acquired by the refinement of intelligence; whereas purity of manners is the result of wise habits, in which all the interests of the soul are mingled and in harmony with the progress of intelligence. That is why the harmony of good taste and of good manners is more common than the existence of taste without manners, or of manners without taste.

Character | Difficulty | Existence | Good | Harmony | Intelligence | Little | Manners | Mind | Progress | Purity | Refinement | Soul | Taste | Wise |

Louis Ruthenburg

The technical progress of industry has been a reflection of our ability to apply increasingly accurate methods of measurement to material things. The art of measuring psychological human dimensions is relatively undeveloped. To all of the complexities of management we must bring to bear infinite patience and persistence, consistency and complete sincerity.

Ability | Art | Character | Consistency | Industry | Patience | Persistence | Progress | Reflection | Sincerity | Art |

Lewis Schwellenbach, fully Lewis Baxter Schwellenbach

Every right has its responsibilities. Like the right itself, these responsibilities stem from no man-made law, but from the very nature of man and society. The security, progress and welfare of one group is measured finally in the security, progress and welfare of all mankind.

Character | Man | Mankind | Nature | Progress | Right | Security |

Felix Schelling, fully Felix Emmanuel Schelling

True education makes for inequality; the inequality of individuality the inequality of success; the glorious inequality of talent, of genius, for inequality, not mediocrity, individual superiority, not standardization, is the measure of the progress of the world.

Character | Education | Genius | Individual | Individuality | Inequality | Mediocrity | Progress | Standardization | Success | Superiority | World |

Benjamin Waugh

To attempt to resist temptation, to abandon our bad habits, and to control our dominant passions in our own unaided strength, is like attempting to check by a spider’s thread the progress of as ship of the first rate, borne along before wind and tide.

Character | Control | Progress | Strength | Temptation |

James B. Walker

Men with intellectual light alone may make advances without moral principle, but without that moral principle which gospel faith produces, permanent progress is impossible.

Character | Faith | Light | Men | Progress |

Leo Baeck

Every answer given arouses new questions. The progress of science is matched by an increase in the hidden and mysterious.

Progress | Science | Wisdom |

Henry Bolingbroke, Henry IV of England

It is the modest, not the presumptuous inquirer, who makes a real and safe progress in the discovery of divine truths.

Discovery | Progress | Safe | Wisdom | Discovery |

Christian Nestell Bovee

Intellectually, as well as politically, the direction of all true progress is toward greater freedom, and long an endless succession of ideas.

Freedom | Ideas | Progress | Wisdom |