This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.
A new dynasty is never founded without a struggle. Blood makes good manure. It will be a good thing for the Rougon family to be founded on a massacre, like many illustrious families.
God | Kindness | Punishment | God |
Emily Dickinson, fully Emily Elizabeth Dickinson
Conventionality is not morality. Self-righteousness is not religion. Espousing the former is not defending the latter.
Merit | Punishment |
The Revolution of 1848 found all the Rougons on the lookout, frustrated by their bad luck, and ready to use any means necessary to advance their cause. They were a family of bandits lying in wait, ready to plunder and steal.
Affront | Deeds | Indignation | Language | Men | Need | Nothing | People | Public | Punishment | Rank | Remorse | Thought | Traitor | Deeds | Thought |
Erma Bombeck, fully Erma Louise Bombeck, born Erma Fiste
Cleanliness is not next to godliness. It isn't even in the same neighborhood. No one has ever gotten a religious experience out of removing burned-on cheese from the grill of the toaster oven.
We can no more do without spirituality than we can do without food, shelter, or clothing.
Cause | Law | Punishment |
Gore Vidal, fully Eugene Luther Gore Vidal
The important thing is not the object of love, but the emotion itself.
Eternal | Good | Need | Punishment | Religion | Society | Society |
One must always hope when one is desperate, and doubt when one hopes.
People | Punishment |