Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

Emile Zola

A new dynasty is never founded without a struggle. Blood makes good manure. It will be a good thing for the Rougon family to be founded on a massacre, like many illustrious families.

God | Kindness | Punishment | God |

Emily Dickinson, fully Emily Elizabeth Dickinson

Conventionality is not morality. Self-righteousness is not religion. Espousing the former is not defending the latter.

Merit | Punishment |

Emile Zola

The Revolution of 1848 found all the Rougons on the lookout, frustrated by their bad luck, and ready to use any means necessary to advance their cause. They were a family of bandits lying in wait, ready to plunder and steal.

Affront | Deeds | Indignation | Language | Men | Need | Nothing | People | Public | Punishment | Rank | Remorse | Thought | Traitor | Deeds | Thought |

Erma Bombeck, fully Erma Louise Bombeck, born Erma Fiste

Cleanliness is not next to godliness. It isn't even in the same neighborhood. No one has ever gotten a religious experience out of removing burned-on cheese from the grill of the toaster oven.

Punishment |

Ernest Shurtleff Holmes

We can no more do without spirituality than we can do without food, shelter, or clothing.

Cause | Law | Punishment |

Gore Vidal, fully Eugene Luther Gore Vidal

The important thing is not the object of love, but the emotion itself.

Eternal | Good | Need | Punishment | Religion | Society | Society |

Gustave Flaubert

One must always hope when one is desperate, and doubt when one hopes.

People | Punishment |