This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.
Some so speak in exaggerations and superlatives that we need to make a large discount from their statements before we can come at their real meaning.
Thomas Szasz, fully Thomas Stephen Szasz
Keeping another person waiting is a basic tactic for defining him as inferior and oneself as superior.
Ability | Conformity | Health | Play |
Thomas J. Watson, Jr., fully Thomas John Watson, Jr.
Once an organization loses its spirit of pioneering and rests on its early work, its progress stops.
We there, in strife bewild’ring, Spilt blood enough to swim in: We orphaned many children, And widowed many women. The eagles and the ravens We glutted with our foemen; The heroes and the cravens, The spearmen and the bowmen.
Thomas L. Friedman, fully Thomas Lauren Friedman
The simple definition of globalization is the interweaving of markets, technology, information systems, and telecommunications networks in a way that is shrinking the world from a size medium to a size small. It began decades ago, but accelerated dramatically over the past 10 years, as the price of computing power fell and the world became an ever-more densely interconnected place. People resist this shift — see, for example, the G8 protests of 2001 (one of the bloodiest uprisings in recent European history) or the recent rioting in Pittsburgh at this year’s G20 conference—because they think it primarily benefits big business elites to the detriment of everyone else. But globalization didn’t ruin the world—it just flattened it. And on balance that can benefit everyone, especially the poor. Globalization has pulled millions of people out of poverty in India and China, and multiplied the size of the global middle class. It has raised the global standard of living faster than that at any other time in the history of the world, and it is supporting astounding growth. All world economic activity was valued at $7 trillion in 1950. That’s equal to how much growth took place over just the past decade, even including the recent downturn. Whatever people’s fears of change, globalization is here to stay—and, if properly managed, it will be a good thing.
Ability | Chance | Friend | Good | Important | Lesson | Listening | Meaning | News | People | Question | Respect | Talking | Will | World | Respect |
Thomas J. Watson, fully Thomas John Watson, Sr.
Once an organization loses its spirit of pioneering and rests on its early work, its progress stops.
Thomas L. Friedman, fully Thomas Lauren Friedman
But if NATO’s only strength is that it can bomb forever, then it has to get every ounce out of that. Let’s at least have a real air war. The idea that people are still holding rock concerts in Belgrade, or going out for Sunday merry-go-round rides, while their fellow Serbs are ”cleansing” Kosovo, is outrageous. It should be lights out in Belgrade: every power grid, water pipe, bridge, road and war-related factory has to be targeted. Like it or not, we are at war with the Serbian nation (the Serbs certainly think so), and the stakes have to be very clear: Every week you ravage Kosovo is another decade we will set your country back by pulverizing you. You want 1950? We can do 1950. You want 1389? We can do 1389 too.
Ability | Day | Experiment | Mother | Nature | Will | Learn |
Thornton Wilder, fully Thornton Niven Wilder
I think that it can be assumed that no adults are ever really 'shocked' - that being shocked is always a pose.
Woodrow Wilson, fully Thomas Woodrow Wilson
The nation's honor is dearer than the nation's comfort; yes, than the nation's life itself.
Age | Counsel | Day | Feelings | God | Government | Heart | Ideals | Justice | Knowledge | Mercy | Need | Opportunity | Politics | Right | Search | Time | Will | Government | Counsel | God | Understand |
Thornton Wilder, fully Thornton Niven Wilder
A dramatist is one who believes that the pure event, an action involving human beings, is more arresting than any comment that can be made upon it.
In practice we always base our preparations against an enemy on the assumption that his plans are good; indeed, it is right to rest our hopes not on a belief in his blunders, but on the soundness of our provisions. Nor ought we to believe that there is much difference between man and man, but to think that the superiority lies with him who is reared in the severest school.
Ability | Action | Argument | Intelligence | Men | Need | Thought | Afraid | Thought |
Thornton Wilder, fully Thornton Niven Wilder
Some say that we shall never know, and that to the gods we are like the flies that the boys kill on a summer's day, and some say, to the contrary, that the very sparrows do not lose a feather that has not been brushed away by the finger of God.
The United States has been called the melting pot of the world. But it seems to me that the colored man either missed getting into the pot or he got melted down.
Ability | Compassion | Greatness |