Great Throughts Treasury

This site is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan William Smolowe who gave birth to the creation of this database.

Related Quotes

Ernest Hemingway, fully Ernest Miller Hemingway

That seemed to handle it. That was it. Send a girl off with one man. Introduce her to another to go off with him. Now go and bring her back. And sign the wire with love. That was it all right. I went in to lunch.

Better | Courage | Good | Kill | Light | Loneliness | Love | Man | People | Time | Will | Wishes | World | Afraid |

E. F. Schumacher, fully Ernst Friedrich "Fritz" Schumacher

When people ask for educationÂ… I think what they are really looking for is ideas that would make the world, and their own lives, intelligible to them. When a thing is intelligible you have a sense of participation; when a thing is unintelligible you have a sense of estrangement.

Chance | Children | Courage | Promise | Trouble |

Ernst Haeckel, full name Ernst Heinrich Phillip August Haeckel

The real cause of personal existence is not the favor of the Almighty, but the sexual love of one's earthly parents.

Antithesis | Courage | Desire | Faith | Knowledge | Man | Men | Mind | Nature | Purpose | Purpose | Reality | Religion | Soul | Thinking | World |

E. F. Schumacher, fully Ernst Friedrich "Fritz" Schumacher

Man talks of a battle with Nature, forgetting that if he won the battle, he would find himself on the losing side.

Age | Civilization | Courage | Fear | Good | Nothing | Question | Strength |

E. F. Schumacher, fully Ernst Friedrich "Fritz" Schumacher

Socialists should insist on using the nationalized industries not simply to out-capitalize the capitalists—an attempt in which they may or may not succeed—but to evolve a more democratic and dignified system of industrial administration, a more humane employment of machinery, and a more intelligent utilization of the fruits of human ingenuity and effort.

Ability | Courage | Growth | Man |

Eudora Welty

Mrs. Watts and Mrs. Carson were both in the post office in Victory when the letter came from the Ellisville Institute for the Feeble-Minded of Mississippi. Aimee Slocum, with her hand still full of mail, ran out in front and handed it straight to Mrs. Watts, and they all three read it together. Mrs. Watts held it taut between her pink hands, and Mrs. Carson underscored each line slowly with her thimbled finger. Everyone else in the post office wondered what was up now.

Capacity | Reality | Vision | Will |

Eugene Peterson

If we're trying to set education policy, we have to listen to the education experts.

Defeat | Future | Mistake | Nature | Need | Obedience | Organic | Past | Unity | Vision | Will |

Eugene O'Neill, fully Eugene Gladstone O'Neill

For a moment I lost myself, actually lost my life. I was set free! I belonged, without past or future, within peace and unity and a wild joy, within something greater than my own life . . . to life itself. I caught a glimpse of something greater than myself.

Beauty | Dawn | Freedom | Fulfillment | Good | Joy | Life | Life | Lying | Past | Peace | Sound | Unity | Vision | Beauty | Old |

Eudora Welty

The difficulty that accompanies you is less like the dark than a trusted lantern to see your way by.

Challenge | Vision | Will | Old |

Eugene O'Neill, fully Eugene Gladstone O'Neill

Man is born broken. He lives by mending. The grace of God is glue.

Good | Vision |

Eugene O'Neill, fully Eugene Gladstone O'Neill

Be always drunken. Nothing else matters: that is the only question. If you would not feel the horrible burden of Time weighing on your shoulders and crushing you to the earth, be drunken continually.

Good | Lying | Vision |

Eugene V. Debs, fully Eugene Victor Debs

I am guilty of believing that the human race can be humanized and enriched in every spiritual inference through the saner and more beneficent processes of peaceful persuasion applied to material problems rather than through wars, riots and bloodshed.

Appreciation | Capacity | Chance | Cunning | Enough | Nothing | Soul | Vision | World | Appreciation |

Gore Vidal, fully Eugene Luther Gore Vidal

The more money an American accumulates, the less interesting he becomes.

Deeds | Good | Knowledge | Life | Life | Man | Vision | Wise | Work | Deeds |

Eugene V. Debs, fully Eugene Victor Debs

With faith and hope and courage we hold our heads erect and with dauntless spirit marshal the working class for the march from Capitalism to Socialism, from Slavery to Freedom, from Barbarism to Civilization.

Courage | Hell | History | Labor | Men | Need | Spirit | Struggle | Time | Will | World | Writing |

Eugene V. Debs, fully Eugene Victor Debs

Woman must be given her true place in society by the working class.

Barbarism | Capitalism | Courage | Faith | Hope | Slavery | Spirit |

Eugene V. Debs, fully Eugene Victor Debs

The united vote of those who toil and have not will vanquish those who have and toil not, and solve forever the problems of democracy.

Courage | Injustice | Injustice | Intelligence | Justice | Men | Power | Right | Virtue | Virtue | Will | Wrong |

Euripedes NULL

A second wife is hateful to the children of the first; A viper is not more hateful.

Courage | Life | Life | Past | Public | Regard |

Euripedes NULL

To the fool, he who speaks wisdom will sound foolish.

Courage |